Slave,Signs of the brewing interest in the upcoming s/m study break have reached me by phone, computer, and direct communication... We will play a game of show and tell—EVERYONE IS STRONGLY ENCOURAGED TO BRING IN HER OR HIS SEX TOYS AND ANY OTHER EROTICIZED OBJECTS. We will
get a chance to ask the questions we've never dared to ask. We will get a chance to reveal all. We are hoping to have a LIVE S/M SCANDALOUS DEMONSTRATION. As I write, rumors that a very cute blond boy with a slight southern drawl will be fisted before your eyes, as well as rumors that a Morrissey-type poet with art-fag hair will be suspended by ropes and whipped, have not been verified...
Your master,
JoeP.S. The AIDS Quilt will be shown at Tufts this Saturday and Sunday from 10-9 in Cousen's Gym on the Medford Campus...
An Inclusive Litany
An electronic message posted via the "Athena" network at