An Inclusive Litany

If any man offend not in word, the same is a perfect man ... the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity ... it defileth the whole body and setteth on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire of hell.
—James 3:6God of truth and light, Apostle James vividly describes the destructive nature of words, spoken and written. Having been uttered or printed, they cannot be retracted. Thank you, Lord, for a free press, for men and women dedicated to getting the facts and keeping the people informed. Thank you for their untiring effort and faithful commitment to their mandate.
But gracious Father, investigative reporting seems epidemic in an election year—its primary objective to defame political candidates. Seeking their own reputation, they destroy another's as they search relentlessly, microscopically for some ancient skeleton in a person's life. Eternal God, help these self-appointed "vacuum cleaner journalists" to discover how unproductive and divisive their efforts are.
In a crowd-pleasing recitation, he went over the experience of working on "J.F.K.," one that has shaken him so deeply, he said, that he has wondered aloud about the version of American history given in the books he read as a youth.Disillusionment evidently has been a bitter pill. "I've come to have severe doubts about Columbus," he said, "about Washington, about the Civil War being fought over slavery, about World War I, about World War II and the supposed fight against Nazism and Japanese control of resources."
Careering toward a climax, Mr. Stone apparently decided to drive his car right off the cliff. To thrilled applause, he concluded, "I don't even know if I was born or who my parents were."
[Ed.: It's not that people who opt for elaborate conspiracy theories believe things too easily, it's that they have difficulty believing the most basic truths and feel compelled to produce alternatives.]
Slave,Signs of the brewing interest in the upcoming s/m study break have reached me by phone, computer, and direct communication... We will play a game of show and tell—EVERYONE IS STRONGLY ENCOURAGED TO BRING IN HER OR HIS SEX TOYS AND ANY OTHER EROTICIZED OBJECTS. We will
get a chance to ask the questions we've never dared to ask. We will get a chance to reveal all. We are hoping to have a LIVE S/M SCANDALOUS DEMONSTRATION. As I write, rumors that a very cute blond boy with a slight southern drawl will be fisted before your eyes, as well as rumors that a Morrissey-type poet with art-fag hair will be suspended by ropes and whipped, have not been verified...
Your master,
JoeP.S. The AIDS Quilt will be shown at Tufts this Saturday and Sunday from 10-9 in Cousen's Gym on the Medford Campus...
How can you who protest abortion be so certain that we aren't swimming toward a fate worse than death? Is homicide in the womb, swift and merciful, not better than the slow death that lies ahead for some of us once our lives begin?... Better to die now, before we can feel real pain, than to enter a world where life is so painful it's criminal to be born.

Elsewhere, Transit Authority officials disagreed with Angela D'Urso, a Manhattan legal secretary, on the possible need for capital spending at a station that she claimed had exposed electrical wires and... missing windowpanes. To prove her point, D'Urso snapped some pictures. Problem is, she violated an obscure Transit Authority rule that prohibits taking photographs in subways. So two Transit Authority officers slapped her with $75 in fines. When she said she couldn't afford that, she received another $50 ticket for breach of peace.

"Give 'em to me you bitch!" Jackrabbit screams. He crashes into us with a sweaty whump, reaching for the oranges, blood draining from his face. We stop him. He backs up, rockets ahead again."This is the most amazing thing I've ever seen," Stanton concludes."I can't go on," he groans.
"You can do it!" we yell.
"MOTHER OF GOD!" He's never felt this strong before! He's always been an accountant, and now the Wildman's energy beats in his heart, his guts, his balls! No, wait, not his balls, his mother has his balls. She turned him into a wimp, always told him to be a good boy, never let him piss in the sink. He raises his left hand—his sword!—and charges, panting like a plow horse, busting through the knot of men, emerging on the other side.
He halts, stunned, spins on his feet, and stares murderously at the oranges, like a psychopath in a fruit market. Scowling Beaver hands over the fruit, what he's paid $550 for at the door.
"I got 'em back! I got 'em back!" Jackrabbit shouts gleefully.
He hops to the stone ledge, sticks a plastic baseball bat between his legs, and waves his new weenie at us, his exhausted face streaming with joy.

This is Spike Lee. How you doing? Look, how in the hell are you going to write some bulls*** that I don't have a f***ing college degree? I got a f***ing master's from New York University and an undergraduate degree from Morehouse College. How's the f***ing New York Times gonna write some bulls*** that I don't have a f***ing college degree? You know you motherf***ers ought to do some f***ing research or whatever you call that s*** before you write some f***ing bulls***, all right? I got a f***ing master of fine arts from f***ing NYU. I want a motherf***ing retraction. All right, motherf***er?

After the school newspaper, the Advocate, criticized the Black Law Students Association, The Black Letter warned that "this kind of s***, perpetuated by you and your like, will no longer be tolerated and will be dealt with accordingly."
After a former member of the Advocate's editorial board was overheard saying that he might have to go underground for fear of being lynched, The Black Letter responded: "Well, Danny O'White Boy, lynching is in fact an atrocity perpetuated primarily on people of color by pigmentless (and usually hooded) forefathers. Quite frankly the brothers would much prefer just to run across you on the street one night and engage in a philosophical discussion on the State of the Endangered White American. NOT!"
After praising a black woman on the board of the Fordham Law Review, the newsletter says, "The next white boy to disrespect and/or touch her without her permission... will suffer the dire consequences. That's not a threat—it's a promise!!!"
Perruccio says the leave of absence was the state's idea and that it actually saves money. Before the leave, he says, he would simply take time off from his job "for union business." Three other union officials have similar arrangements, and two of them receive small union stipends.
State officials had previously denounced the arrangement as "morally reprehensible and unethical," but efforts to change it were unsuccessful. Commenting on the arrangement, Peter Allen, manager of the Connecticut Office of Labor Relations, is somewhat stoical: "It's part of a labor agreement. It doesn't matter what I think."
Two systems of weed control are before the world. One looks to the annihilation of species and varieties with killer technology. The other suggests a natural balance with energized crops protecting themselves against uneconomic weed competition. One accepts a byproduct of instant death, lingering illness and a cancerous legacy... One system delivers to farmers pauperism, ignorance, depopulation and barbarism. The other increases wealth, intelligence, and civilization.