An Inclusive Litany


Jane Fonda donated $12.5 million for a "gender studies center" at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. The gift was named in honor of Harvard Gender Studies professor Carol Gilligan, author of the feminist classic, In a Different Voice, in which she argues men and women have radically different ways of looking at the world: men more separate and abstract-minded, women more connected and empathic. Not surprisingly, Gilligan argues that the female world-view is superior and that it has traditionally been undervalued. By her own report, Fonda's reaction to reading the book may even bolster the veracity of Gilligan's claim: Ms. Fonda wept.

[Ed.: When Gilligan's book was first published it was attacked by others on the feminist Left, on the grounds that the assertion of fundamental differences between men and women undermined the competing idea that gender roles are a mere social construct with no foundation in physical reality.]