The couple had a dispute over inadequate heat with their landlord, Robert Rodriguez, who himself disappeared nine days later. Press reports describe Rodriguez as a "nice guy" but also as "a man who was strapped with financial difficulties and sometimes quick to anger." His property in upstate New York has now been overrun by police dogs and helicopters, which turned up no clues. Rodriguez, who isn't officially suspected of involvement in the disappearance, later sent word to authorities that he was alive and well, though his whereabouts remain unknown.
An Inclusive Litany
The New Yorker
notes that two residents of a New York loft disappeared mysteriously
in November. Michael Sullivan had lived in the apartment for twenty
years; his girlfriend, Camden Sylvia, moved in with him about five
years ago. They had been paying $300 a month for a 1400-square-foot
rent-controlled apartment on Pearl Street, on Manhattan's southern
tip, adjacent to the East River. Reporters were quick to point out
that the apartment was worth "possibly ten times as much."