An Inclusive Litany


After the European Commission resolved a dispute over chocolate, deciding that Britain, Ireland, and Denmark can market their chocolate freely in Europe despite the fact that it contains a small percentage of vegetable fat, the European Parliament added numerous conditions. A Council of Ministers meeting later on the matter ended with a successful rebellion by traditionalists who use only cocoa butter.

The European Union also ruled that despite a six-century tradition, wooden shoes manufactured in the Netherlands would no longer be permitted in the workplace unless they could meet the same standards as steel-toed safety shoes. In addition, the E.U. published a 24-page user's manual for boots containing information on how to choose footwear, how to use and care for the boots, and how to wear them safely. It also explains how to read the boot comfort ratings mandated by the E.U., and advises helpfully, "Each boot should be tried for fitting before use."