MEMORANDUM FOR THE HEADS OF EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIESSUBJECT: Policy Concerning Distribution of Eagle Feathers for Native American Religious Purposes
Eagle feathers hold a sacred place in Native American culture and religious practices. Because of the feathers' significance to Native American heritage and consistent with due respect for the government-to-government relationship between the Federal and Native American tribal governments, this Administration had undertaken policy and procedural changes to facilitate the collection and distribution of scarce eagle bodies and parts for this purpose. This memorandum affirms and formalizes executive branch policy to ensure that progress begun on this important matter continues across the executive branch....
As part of these efforts, agencies shall take steps to improve their collection and transfer of eagle carcasses and eagle body parts ("eagles") for Native American religious purposes. The success of this initiative requires the participation, and is therefore the responsibility, of all Federal land managing agencies, not just those within the Department of the Interior. I therefore direct each agency responsible for managing Federal lands to diligently and expeditiously recover salvageable eagles found on lands under their jurisdiction and ensure that the eagles are promptly shipped to the National Eagle Repository ("Repository"). To assist agencies in this expanded effort, the Secretary of the Interior shall issue guidelines.... In particular, the Department of the Interior shall continue to adopt policies and procedures and take those actions necessary to:
(a) ensure the priority of distribution of eagles, upon permit application, first for traditional Native American religious purposes, to the extent permitted by law, and then to other uses;
(b) simplify the eagle permit application process....;
(c) minimize the delay and ensure respect and dignity in the process....;
(d) expand efforts to involve Native American tribes, organizations, and individuals in the distribution process....;
(e) review means to ensure that adequate refrigerated storage space is available to process the eagles;...
We must continue to be committed to greater intergovernmental communication and cooperation....
An Inclusive Litany
A White House dispatch, April 29, 1994: