If you're a woman being harassed in your workplace, self-proclaimed
feminist witch Zsuszanna Emese Budapest has a novel remedy she claims
she learned from a high Yoruba priestess, and which appears in her
The Goddess in the Office. Go to your butcher and buy a
pig's tongue, cut it open and rub it with black pepper, write the name
of your harasser backward nine times in black ink on a white piece of
paper, smear some of your own urine on the paper, fold the paper away
from yourself and insert it in the pig's tongue while keeping a mental
image of your harasser in mind, press a rusty nail through the tongue,
take the tongue "as far as you can get from your house within a
reasonable time," dig a hole and bury the tongue, fill the hole, pee
on it, "then leave and don't look back." Budapest concludes,
"Within a moon the harasser should change his behavior or leave the
[Ed.: Ms. Budapest also writes of her encounters with the "Wild
Woman," whose image dwells inside the psyches of all women. "Wild
Woman represents our bodies, our genetic past, our gender and
instincts, and our right brain," Budapest writes. "The Wild Woman
loves a ritual, the chanting and the humming, the shared breath." She
is also "fond of shopping, because it reminds her of ancient