On May 24, 1994, three representatives of the White House Military Office traveled to Camp David and a nearby golf course (Holly Hills) for the purpose of advancing the site for possible use by the President. The advance trip was conducted as a result of an invitation received by the President to play golf at the Holly Hills course. An operational meeting was conducted at Camp David prior to inspecting the golf course.
The advance party departed Washington D.C. via a HMX-1 helicopter. The use of the helicopter is in keeping with standard procedures employed for advance trips of this type and was necessary in order to familiarize the aircrew with all aspects of flight times and landing zone particulars.
The senior helicopter pilot who flew the mission is one of the few remaining pilots within the HMX squadron that is familiar with the landing zone at Holly Hills having last flown to the site two years ago. This was a training mission to familiarize the HMX crew with the golf course layout and to verify that safe helicopter operations could be conducted at the Holly Hills Country Club landing zone. The flight times are as follows:
Wash DC to Camp David 30 min Camp David to Holly Hills 15 min Members of the advance party did play golf, having received an invitation from the golf pro in order to familiarize themselves with all aspects of the course, especially those aspects actually related to actual time of play and associated impact of security plans.
The actual flight time and associated pilot training is in keeping with standard operating procedures required by the squadron in order the [sic] maintain the highest level of pilot and crew proficiency.
An Inclusive Litany
A dispatch from President Clinton's advance team
(HMX-1 Travel Mission Fax Sheet), May 24, 1994: