An Inclusive Litany
As a member of the University of Minnesota Law School community, I, by my signature, state my commitment to tolerance of those with a viewpoint, life-style, or heritage different from my own. In an intellectually vibrant community, the exchange of differing ideas is challenging and important. However, I do not condone acts and expressions of bigotry and hatred. I fully realize that if I do not take leadership in promulgating these values on campus, I will diminish the benefits of my education and severely restrict my personal, professional, civic and social growth and achievement. I take responsibility for educating myself about others different from me and enhancing my awareness and understanding of disability and of the impact of racism, sexism, homophobia, and other forms of intolerance, on society and on me.
A Fayetteville psychiatrist who stabbed his wife in the back in 1989 is fit to continue treating patients, a state review board ruled this week.The ruling marks the end of a three-year battle between Dr. Donald Pirodsky and the state Health Department over whether his license should be revoked, and overturns two unanimous decisions by a lower panel that Pirodsky is not fit to practice psychiatry.
Pirodsky, 49, was charged with second-degree attempted murder for stabbing his wife, Susan, in the back during an argument in November 1989.
The tree, a 63-year-old blue atlas cedar, died when its roots
exploded as contractors were trying to move it to another location
to make way for the expansion of the National Tennis Center in
Flushing Meadows-Corona Park. During the funeral service, taps was
played, "Amazing Grace" was sung, and a eulogy was given by Parks
Commissioner Henry Stern. The park's flags were lowered to half-staff.
But the cedar's case is not yet closed. Stern promised that "an inquest will be held to determine the precise circumstances. The matter could be called an accident, a case of negligence, or involuntary tree slaughter."

Previously, Somali farmers complained at a United Nations conference that the massive U.N. food shipments were driving them out of business. Said one Somali farmer, "The poor farmer ... cannot [make the sales] to cover his costs. This will kill him."

Four scenes in a harsh life. To open the show, I break out of the modern, primitive mystique by playing a factory worker in a baseball cap, having a drink at a strip club. Enter the fabulous black drag queen Divinity Fudge in a custom-made bikini, a balloon dress, a black and blonde beehive, and red spandex gloves, her feet struggling in a new pair of high heels, bump and grind. As Steakhouse M. Blanker, I pop all the balloons and put the cigar out on Divinity's butt (she asked me to before the show), I smooch her on the legs (and elsewhere), and then throw her to the ground. Julie and Pigpen then come out and strip Divinity down to a man. They strap him in the cutting chair of a human printing press.. . .
I started performing with my first boyfriend, Ross Williams of the Goth band, Christian Death, in 1981. He was 16 and I was 18. We performed as Premature Ejaculation—that was the name of our repertory company. We wrote and performed and recorded noise. I took to it, but it was so physically destructive that I couldn't keep going—I was smashing myself too deeply, crawling through filthy, broken glass, ingesting decomposed cats. We performed a few times and wrote a lot together. Maybe that was enough.

Language is a powerful attitude builder. Whenever we say "water down" to mean to weaken, we're sending a message that shows we don't appreciate how valuable water is. When we use animal names as insults, we're showing disrespect. Snakes are not evil. Worms are not lowlifes. Dogs are not ugly. Sit down with your family and work out some insults that really mean something. Third graders in Bakersfield, Vermont, got into the swing of eco-insults when they invented terms such as "smog brain" and "landfill breath."
On May 24, 1994, three representatives of the White House Military Office traveled to Camp David and a nearby golf course (Holly Hills) for the purpose of advancing the site for possible use by the President. The advance trip was conducted as a result of an invitation received by the President to play golf at the Holly Hills course. An operational meeting was conducted at Camp David prior to inspecting the golf course.
The advance party departed Washington D.C. via a HMX-1 helicopter. The use of the helicopter is in keeping with standard procedures employed for advance trips of this type and was necessary in order to familiarize the aircrew with all aspects of flight times and landing zone particulars.
The senior helicopter pilot who flew the mission is one of the few remaining pilots within the HMX squadron that is familiar with the landing zone at Holly Hills having last flown to the site two years ago. This was a training mission to familiarize the HMX crew with the golf course layout and to verify that safe helicopter operations could be conducted at the Holly Hills Country Club landing zone. The flight times are as follows:
Wash DC to Camp David 30 min Camp David to Holly Hills 15 min Members of the advance party did play golf, having received an invitation from the golf pro in order to familiarize themselves with all aspects of the course, especially those aspects actually related to actual time of play and associated impact of security plans.
The actual flight time and associated pilot training is in keeping with standard operating procedures required by the squadron in order the [sic] maintain the highest level of pilot and crew proficiency.
"Both the educational practice of maintaining an honor roll and the parental practice of public proclamations of this status," he writes, "create and reinforce a certain specific of unfairness, one which necessarily causes resentment."
DO YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES TO BEAT THE SYSTEM?In THE X GAME you come face-to-face against the powerful 'SYSTEM' in the struggle for liberation. THE SYSTEM is a formidable enemy armed with exploitation, oppression, racism and discrimination. The key to beating THE SYSTEM is collective action—unity!
By unifying efforts, your team can work it's way up to the 3 Levels of Power. The first level is Political Power, the second is Economic Power and the final level is Social Power. Your team must reach all 3 Levels of Power before time runs out—to beat THE SYSTEM. This won't be easy, because while you're trying to acquire Power, THE SYSTEM is moving towards it's goal. And each time THE SYSTEM moves forward—time runs out!
What are you willing to do to stop THE SYSTEM? Will you sacrifice your position? Will you share your move with another player? Or, will you race ahead and leave the others behind? Will you be the one to let THE SYSTEM get the lead? Be careful of the choices you make. Your actions can hurt the team... and help THE SYSTEM.
If your team has a cooperative strategy—you'll beat THE SYSTEM. And everyone wins. If not, THE SYSTEM wins.
THE X GAME is sure to make you think about Malcolm X's philosophy of black nationalism. This is the view that unity is essential to the progress of Black people.
CONTENTS: 4 pawns, 1 SYSTEM token, 1 decal, 20 TAKE ACTION CARDS, 40 MASTER TEACHER CARDS, 1 dice, 4 X dollars, 4 ballots, 1 gameboard, 1 instruction booklet.
By writing with and about that which was once unmentionable—menstrual blood, breast milk, wombs, vaginas, the lips of the clitoris—women's language writes the body. The woman's body, no longer idealized, conventionalized, as in men's writing, is apprehended in all its physical difference and is able to disrupt discourse as we know it. Personal and open, the language of woman ... seeks to achieve the fluidity it writes about by making the meanings of words elusive.

[Ed.: Ms. Budapest also writes of her encounters with the "Wild Woman," whose image dwells inside the psyches of all women. "Wild Woman represents our bodies, our genetic past, our gender and instincts, and our right brain," Budapest writes. "The Wild Woman loves a ritual, the chanting and the humming, the shared breath." She is also "fond of shopping, because it reminds her of ancient foraging."]
University of Rhode Island graduate student W. Reginald Rampone proposed a panel discussion at the MLA's December meeting in San Diego called "Lacking a Member and the Absence of Frontal Male Nudity in Popular Films," or, as he explained, "the dearth of frontal male nudity as an index of male genitalia's inability to measure up to the phallus." Rampone said he decided to explore the subject after removal of frontal male nudity scenes from the movie Sliver sparked controversy.
MEMORANDUM FOR THE HEADS OF EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIESSUBJECT: Policy Concerning Distribution of Eagle Feathers for Native American Religious Purposes
Eagle feathers hold a sacred place in Native American culture and religious practices. Because of the feathers' significance to Native American heritage and consistent with due respect for the government-to-government relationship between the Federal and Native American tribal governments, this Administration had undertaken policy and procedural changes to facilitate the collection and distribution of scarce eagle bodies and parts for this purpose. This memorandum affirms and formalizes executive branch policy to ensure that progress begun on this important matter continues across the executive branch....
As part of these efforts, agencies shall take steps to improve their collection and transfer of eagle carcasses and eagle body parts ("eagles") for Native American religious purposes. The success of this initiative requires the participation, and is therefore the responsibility, of all Federal land managing agencies, not just those within the Department of the Interior. I therefore direct each agency responsible for managing Federal lands to diligently and expeditiously recover salvageable eagles found on lands under their jurisdiction and ensure that the eagles are promptly shipped to the National Eagle Repository ("Repository"). To assist agencies in this expanded effort, the Secretary of the Interior shall issue guidelines.... In particular, the Department of the Interior shall continue to adopt policies and procedures and take those actions necessary to:
(a) ensure the priority of distribution of eagles, upon permit application, first for traditional Native American religious purposes, to the extent permitted by law, and then to other uses;
(b) simplify the eagle permit application process....;
(c) minimize the delay and ensure respect and dignity in the process....;
(d) expand efforts to involve Native American tribes, organizations, and individuals in the distribution process....;
(e) review means to ensure that adequate refrigerated storage space is available to process the eagles;...
We must continue to be committed to greater intergovernmental communication and cooperation....