The District [of Columbia] government... has spent 7.9 million of its $92.4 million share of federal highway money this year, one of the lowest spending rates in the nation.The slow pace has been brought to the attention of Transportation Secretary Andrew Card, who... called Mayor Sharon Pratt Kelly to tell her of the problem. He has asked federal highway officials to help the District spend its money faster.
An Inclusive Litany
Then Yagman submitted his bill for legal fees, which under federal regulations must be paid by the city. Yagman said he had spent 800 hours on the case with 683 hours' worth of help from three other attorneys. Total bill: $987,684. Yagman charged $350 an hour for his own 800 hours on the case and then doubled the amount due to the "complexity" and the risk of losing the case. If his request is approved by U.S. District Judge J. Spencer Letts, Yagman will receive $560,000.
On the other hand, alfalfa sprouts contain a potent natural carcinogen called canavanine. Esquire reports that in a test to determine the effects on monkeys of a diet high in alfalfa sprouts, one-third of the animals developed autoimmune disorders and other significant abnormalities.

My subject—the discovery self makes of the other—is so enormous that any general formulation soon ramifies into countless categories and directions. We can discover the other in ourselves, realize we are not a homogenous substance, radically alien to whatever is not is: as Rimbaud said, Je est un autre. But others are also "I"s: subjects just as I am, whom only my point of view—according to which all of them are out there and I alone am in here—separates and authentically distinguishes from myself. I can conceive of these others as an abstraction, as an instance of any individual's psychic configuration, as the Other—other in relation to myself, to me; or else as a specific social group to which we do not belong. This group in turn can be interior to society: women for men, the rich for the poor, the mad for the "normal"; or it can be exterior to society, i.e., another society which will be near or far away, depending on the cases: beings whom everything links to me on the cultural, moral, historical plane; or else unknown qualities, outsiders whose languages and customs I do not understand, so foreign that in extreme instances I am reluctant to admit they belong to the same species as my own. It is this problematics of the exterior and remote other that I have chosen—somewhat arbitrarily and because one cannot speak of everything all at once—in order to open an investigation that can never be closed.
- The Emancipation Proclamation was issued in 1963 instead of 1863.
- The Civil War Battle of Vicksburg took place in Tennessee rather than in Mississippi.
- President Franklin Delano Roosevelt died in 1944 instead of 1945.
- Sputnik, the first Soviet space satellite, was a nuclear-armed intercontinental ballistic missile.
- Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy were assassinated during the presidency of Richard Nixon, not Lyndon Johnson.
- General Douglas MacArthur led an anti-communist witch hunt in the 1950s, not Sen. Joseph McCarthy.
- The United States won the Korean War by "using the bomb."
- George Bush was elected president in 1989.
The same question sparked an enormous controversy at Stanford University in 1988. At the university's Ujamaa ("cooperative living") theme dormitory, a black student, B.J. Kerr, was having a discussion primarily with two white students, Gus Heldt and Ben Dugan, about black influence on music. Kerr concluded that "all music is black" and that "all music listened to today in America has African origins—beats, drums, and so forth." A white bystander asked, "What about classical music? Beethoven?" Kerr replied that Beethoven had been black—he had read so in a book in the Ujamaa library. Heldt and Dugan were incredulous, leading Kerr to express disappointment that the idea that Beethoven had been black "was so far from their own truth."
The following evening, Heldt and Dugan noticed a Stanford Symphony recruiting poster that featured a picture of Beethoven, representing him in the familiar manner as white. Inebriated, the two young men used crayons to color the composer's face brown and apply stereotypical features such as kinky hair and big lips. They then posted the now-satirical flyer on a "food for thought" bulletin board next to Kerr's door.
Kerr was incensed: "I couldn't believe anybody would do that. You see
things like that in the movies or on TV. It's the kind of thing
someone would do in their room and joke about but it didn't seem like
anyone would be bold enough to put it on a door." One of Ujamaa's
black residential assistants added that the flyer was "hateful,
shocking. I was outraged and sickened." Heldt confessed posting the
flyer after an Ujamaa teaching assistant warned him that "people are
really angry," "people are really suspicious of you," and there are
people planning "to beat the hell out of you."
At an emergency house meeting to grapple with the incident, Heldt tried to explain his motivations: that he was disturbed by the high, counterproductive level of race-consciousness the claim about Beethoven represented, and that the poster was thus attempted as educational, "avant-garde" art. A resident interrupted Heldt's speech: "You arrogant bastard, how dare you come here and not even apologize. I want an apology." Heldt's dismissive reply indicated that he remained unrepentant: "one, two, three, we're sorry."
Some residents then demanded that Heldt and Dugan be removed from the Stanford dorm system, while a dean of student affairs suggested that it might be preferable to keep the pair in the dorms so that they could receive a better multicultural education, a suggestion the victimized Kerr labeled as silly. Kerr became so worked up over the incident, in fact, that in the course of his emotional speech he started to gesticulate wildly, lunged violently at the two, and then collapsed on the floor. According to the residence staff, Kerr "was groaning and flailing his arms"; it "seemed as if B.J. had lost his mind"; he was "not in control of his actions" and was carried out of the room "crying, screaming, and having a fit." The university's final report on the incident described the ensuing mayhem:
As many as sixty students were crying with various degrees of hysteria. At least one student hyperventilated and had to be assisted in breathing. According to R/F Brooks there was "utter chaos." People were "crying, screaming," "hysterical" and "distraught." R/F Weiss said that there was "mass chaos," "people were holding hands and crying, tears were running down," the "staff was running around trying to collect people." She compared the scene to the mass hysteria that occurred when the [space] shuttle exploded or the U.S. exhibition air show in Germany where a group of planes simultaneously crashed. R/F Brooks told the staff "to make sure no one was alone." R/A Johnson reported that "one woman was jumping up and down saying this is not fair." She "herded" crying persons into her room which was a "wreck," "bodies everywhere."Stanford punished Heldt and Dugan for the distasteful flyer by removing them from university housing for the remainder of the year.
[Ed.: The rumor that Beethoven was black probably originated from scholarly debate that occurred at the time of Adolf Hitler's ascendency, when elaborate racial theories held many German academics in thrall. Contrary to the assertion that all great Germans had certain features thought of as 'Aryan' (that is blond, blue-eyed, and with straight hair), skeptics argued that Beethoven—certainly one of Germany's greatest artistic geniuses—had curly, dark hair and also a somewhat dark complexion. In fact, his friends nicknamed him 'the Moor.']
A federal jury agreed with him and ordered Colonial
Village Inc. to pay Spann $200,000—along with another $650,000 to
two nonprofit fair housing groups.
Had Spann put in a bid for a house and been turned down on account of his race? No. Had he approached a Colonial Village agent and been told there were no vacancies because of his race? No. He had noticed that the company's ads depicting happy Colonial Village residents used only white models.
"It made me angry and it still makes me angry to this day," Spann told the Washington Post. Since 1986, when the suit was filed, Colonial Village has dutifully used black models in its advertising, and the Post has scrupulously adhered to its own agreement (also prompted by Spann's suit) to require 25 percent of all models used in real estate ads to be black. And Spann still hasn't bought himself a house.
Buttocks: The area at the rear of the human body (sometimes referred to as the gluteus maximus) which lies between two imaginary straight lines running parallel to the ground when a person is standing, the first or top such line being a half-inch below the top of the vertical cleavage of the nates (i.e., the prominence formed by the muscles running from the back of the hip to the back of the leg) and the second or bottom such line being a half-inch above the lowest point of the curvature of the fleshy protuberance (sometimes referred to as the gluteal fold) and between two imaginary straight lines, one on each side of the body (the "outside lines"), which outside lines are perpendicular to the ground and to the horizontal lines described above, and which perpendicular outside lines pass through the outermost point(s) at which each nate meets the outer side of each leg. Notwithstanding the above, buttocks shall not include the leg, the hamstring muscle below the gluteal fold, the tensor fasciae latae muscles, or any of the above described portion of the human body that is between either (i) the left inside perpendicular line and the left outside perpendicular line or (ii) the right inside perpendicular line and the right outside perpendicular line. For the purpose of the previous sentence, the left inside perpendicular line shall be an imaginary straight line on the left side of the anus (i) that is perpendicular to the ground and to the horizontal lines described above and (ii) that is one third of the distance from the anus to the left outside line. (The above description can generally be described as covering one third of the buttocks centered over the cleavage for the length of the cleavage.)
As Bill Clinton's New York campaign wound down to its weary end, the Arkansas governor's grass-roots rhetoric was replaced by some frank talk—delivered by Massachusetts Rep. Barney Frank.
At a private party at artist David Fisch's Chambers Street loft attended by many of the city's gay movers and shakers, the congressman likened choosing a Democratic presidential candidate to picking up someone in a gay bar. The party was designed to drum up last minute backing, but not funds, for Clinton.
Sources who attended the soiree say Frank, in a push to sway undecided gay Democrats, said that choosing between Clinton and Jerry Brown was "like being in a bar at 3 a.m." and wanting to pick someone up.
"The place is emptying out. You don't have very good choices but you can make the best choice that you can," partygoers recount Frank saying. He added that choosing Clinton was not like "you're getting betrothed for life" and that "you don't have to like him in the morning."
However, Mill Creek damage payments by the National Flood Insurance Program from 1978 through 1990 came to less than $300,000. In 1959, a storm caused $3 million in damage, much of which was caused by factors unrelated to flood, including landslides and high winds.
So singling out the rioters is a "racist response" prompted by the fact that "most of us know that we are complicit with the culture of looting."
The problem, according to Lerner, is that "we've made our own little compromises, hurt or disadvantaged other groups to get ahead, and turned our backs, closed our ears, averted our eyes to the consequences of social selfishness."
For the first time, Poland is trying to impose a western-style personal income tax... and it is turning to the Internal Revenue Service in Washington for help...Two veteran American tax experts took time out earlier this month to provide a round of basic training to 25 of their newly appointed counterparts in Poland...
At the training course, Polish tax inspectors marveled at the possibilities for obtaining data in an information-rich environment like America. In Poland, they said, permission to rummage through a taxpayer's personal bank accounts is rarely granted by the Finance Ministry...
Zygmunt Sachnowski, national director of the fiscal police, contends that the recently passed law setting up the personal income tax leans too far in the direction of protecting citizens' rights...
[IRS agent George F.] Blair also noted that in the United States, the authorities had the power to pursue an individual for failing to pay taxes on illegal income. Such powers have not yet been granted to Polish revenue officers.
An apology to our readersWe made an insensitive error in judgement in Friday's edition, and I want to apologize for it.
On page A1, we ran what was initially seen as a cute, innocent picture of two children dressing up for Halloween. But what was not caught in the editing process was the stereotype enforced in the picture of an African-American child dressed in a maid's uniform putting lipstick on a white child dressed in a party outfit.
The implication of the images in the picture and the words in the headline should have been recognized and they should not have run, even though it is a sad commentary on our society that pictures of children of different ethnic backgrounds at play carry such a bitter memory.
We were wrong, and our sincere apologies are offered to all of you. A very hard lesson in the area of sensitivity has been learned.
Gregory E. Favre, Executive Editor
But don't jump to conclusions about the protesters' politics the way Editor-in-Chief Marc Elliott did. According to The Boston Globe, he chided them with the comment, "I thought only Nazis burned books." A woman responded: "We didn't burn them. We recycled them."
Hertzberg, who was a cub reporter for Newsweek in the mid-sixties, recalls that back then, "the range of possibilities, negative and positive, 'revolutionary' and reformist, was seen on all sides as far broader than it is today." The riots of the sixties had, "however fleetingly, some twisted hint of the form of political demonstrations," and so were seen "as being part of the continuum of political action."
The more recent riots, on the other hand, had no such form and were part of no such continuum. "Members of gangs... improvised a role as shock troops, smashing the windows and setting the fires. Normally law-abiding citizens then stepped over the shards to help themselves to the goods... On television it all looked more like Mad Max than the Bastille."
O, for the days when people burned, looted, and murdered for the right reasons!
Questioned about the "politically correct" overtone to his paper on wrestling, Yonatan Touval said, "The fact that wrestling is a $1.5 billion industry suggests the subject is not trivial and ridiculous."
Comes now the defendant, Harry Veltman III, pro se:Any typical jury might convict me on all charges out of prejudice because of the bad publicity I have received through television, radio, and newspapers, and/or because of the erotic love letters and photos that I sent.
A jury of nymphomaniacs would not likely be prejudiced against me because of my erotic love letters and photos. Therefore I request a jury of nymphomaniacs, or at least a jury with several nymphomaniacs, including Racquel Darrien, of Hustler's "Call of the Wild" photo spread; Danielle, a Hustler Honey; Stephanie Seymour, the famous Almay supermodel; and Katarina Witt, to whom I mailed the letters and photos.
I further require a jury consisting of 50 percent atheists and agnostics, to avoid domination by religious self-righteous hypocrites, who might convict me blindly on all charges after seeing even one erotic photo or reading one erotic letter.

The remarks brought "scattered boos" from the crowd, writes Robinson. Lee, he goes on to say, noted that "the dissent could not have come from 'real black people' on the theory that the Celtics are somehow a racist organization unworthy of black support."
On the third day, Oppenheimer had the man wait while he inspected the tray. Politely confronted with the fact that the tableware was once again missing, the young man grudgingly and apologetically explained the problem. Due to the many shortages that plagued the Cuban economy, it was common for people to steal what they needed from their workplace, including eating utensils. As a result, the hotel management had cracked down and made each waiter responsible for a set of numbered utensils, which they would be required to keep in their lockers when not in use and which would be inspected each Friday. So why then wasn't there tableware available? Because the waiters had not yet arrived at work due to the delays in bus service. He was not a waiter, he explained, but rather a busboy, and could not open the locker and bring Oppenheimer any of the tableware.
At a Cuban restaurant, management dealt with the same problem by chaining the tableware to hooks bolted on the underside of the table. Unfortunately, due to the constant pulling of customers and the hooking and unhooking when the tableware needed to be washed, the fragile chains snapped, and many of them were soon reduced to half their original length, forcing patrons to eat with their heads hovering over their plates. Management replaced this unpopular policy with a less conspicuous one. After taking back the tableware following the meal, the waiter would give the customer a little piece of paper with a number on it—an official certification that the utensils had been returned—which the customer would then be required to surrender to a guard at the door before being allowed to leave.