New Republic
reports that a strange book proposal is circulating among various New
York publishers, for which at least one has made a seven-figure
bid. The ghostwritten book is tentatively titled
History Will Absolve Me: The Autobiography of Fidel Castro.
Among its revelations: "If there is anyone alive who
reminds me of Che today—of his complex nature, combining the
beautiful and the ideal and the tragic—I would say it is Diana, the
Princess of Wales. If you see the vitality of her spirit and the
struggle in her life, then you have seen what Che was like!"
[Ed.: Disenchanted with the more mundane, bureaucratic direction
the Cuban Revolution was taking, Che Guevara was killed in Bolivia in
1967 while leading a failed expeditionary force attempting to incite
armed revolution in the rest of Latin America. You can pretty much
guess his position on the use of land mines.]