From an astrological perspective, the local reaction to the convention will be hostile, particularly from the rank-and-file hotel and restaurant workers. There will also be hostility among the conventioneers themselves. Party leadership will be thrown into confusion as dramatic events unfold. H. Ross Perot's influence will play a big role as recent scandals and party revolts stun the nation. The potential for extreme emotional reactions will be strongest on August 12 and 16.[Ed.: As a matter of fact, Republican party leaders and delegates avoided issues of public controversy to such an extent that the '96 convention was widely criticized for its bland resemblance to an "info-mercial." Party leadership was not thrown into confusion, restaurant and hotel workers were apparently happy to get all the business they could, there were no scandals of note, and H. Ross Perot played no role in the proceedings whatsoever.
From the perspective of astrological feng shui, the convention center's structure and design have the potential for calamity. The hall itself is constructed of glass ceilings and heavy steel girders, which are adverse feng shui conditions. The convention hall is set on a north-south axis, with the media positioned to the north and the dais to the south. From a feng shui perspective, all of the speakers will be more at the mercy of the media than they would be if the positions were reversed. The principle is the same as when an army wages war from the south to the north: even though individual battles are won, the war is ultimately lost.
The Boston Globe reports that California real estate brokers are now expected to take a course on feng shui and otherwise familiarize themselves with the concept to better cater to their clients. The Washington Post reports that even Donald Trump is a feng shui practitioner.]