In their book
Professing Feminism: Cautionary Tales from the
Strange World of Women's Studies,
Daphne Patai and Noretta Koertge, both university professors and
self-described feminists, report on the use of acronyms as a form
of shorthand among some academic feminists. IDPOL, or "identity
politics," represents the belief that people and their ideas are
defined entirely by membership in an oppressed or oppressor group.
TOTAL REJ represents the contention that "our culture... is so
infused with patriarchal thinking that it must be torn up root and
branch if genuine change is to occur." WORDMAGIC signifies the effort
to uncover the supposedly masculinist roots of words and phrases most
would consider gender-neutral, such as "the thrust of an argument."
BIODENIAL represents the idea that biology is completely unrelated to
male or female experience, such as the assertion that "the pain of
childbirth is socially constructed by patriarchy and would not happen
in a feminist society."