Critics have long found fault with Kennedy assassination conspiracy
theories, but never quite like this. Alexander Cockburn, a writer for
Nation, writes that "Perhaps one day Lee Harvey Oswald will
be properly recognized as a leftist who came to the conclusion that
the only way to relieve the pressure on Cuba and obstruct the attempts
to murder Castro was by killing President Kennedy.... In this
calculation he was correct. A year and a half after the killing in
Dallas, L.B.J. suspended the CIA's assassination bids. He privately
denounced the 'Murder Inc.' that the Kennedys had been running in the
Caribbean." Warming to his topic, Cockburn explained that "Oswald's
ambush was one of the few effective assassinations in the history of
such enterprises. Too bad that this radical exponent of the propaganda
of the deed should now be traduced by assassination buffs as a
creature of the right, the pawn and tool of the Joint Chiefs of