Becky Kroll, director of the University of Minnesota Women's Center,
and Patricia Mullen, director of the university's Office of Equal
Opportunity and Affirmative Action, recommended the addition of
"classroom climate adviser" as a new faculty position. Mullen said
they conceived the idea after she took a call "from a student who was
unhappy about a classroom discussion of a cultural diversity 'hot
topic'—in this case, Columbus. The student felt the discussion got
out of hand and that a fellow student's crude comments were not
adequately handled by the instructor." To avoid situations that are
"disruptive to the learning process," specially trained graduate
students and staff members would be available to deal with such
grievances, or as an aid to any instructor who "feels some students
are having trouble distinguishing between theories I have to teach and
my personal beliefs about controversial matters in the area of