Dear prospective juror:
Congratulations on your selection as a trial juror. We sincerely hope your participation in the justice system is informative and rewarding. To that end, we would like to offer some information that will expedite your access to courtroom facilities throughout San Diego County.
Knives with a locking blade or any blade over three inches (3") will not be permitted in the courthouse. Stun guns, mace or other caustic materials are also prohibited. If you are licensed to carry such items, you will be required to leave it with the Deputy Marshals at the screening station and you may recover it when you leave the building. Of course, non-prescription drugs and alcoholic beverages are also excluded.
We recognize the inconvenience this screening represents, but our experience has shown that the enhanced security of the court staff, litigants, spectators and of course jurors, outweighs the delays you may experience...
An Inclusive Litany
From the Office of the Marshal in San Diego County, California: