After a shopper realized that she couldn't buy Israeli gelt (chocolate
coins) for Hanukkah, her husband distributed e-mail about the year-old
policy, resulting in many phone complaints to the store. The
Cooperative's public relations committee issued a statement removing
any mention of Palestinians, while assuring shoppers that only two
departments—package and bulk—had voted to boycott Israeli products
and that they were not motivated by anti-Semitism. "The decision made
by these departments does not necessarily reflect the opinion of
Rainbow Grocery," the statement read. "Our workforce is an extremely
varied group. We have a variety of opinions, and we don't always
A subsequent statement posted on the store's website removed any reference to department-level boycotts, insisting there is "no boycott at Rainbow Grocery Cooperative against Israeli products. At no time did a boycott of Israeli products come up for a vote by the Membership." The statement expressed intolerance for "any workers... who support hatred, racism or any form of religious oppression in or outside of our workplace," while endorsing the Middle East peace process. "It is dialogue that ultimately will provide the avenue for resolution of the difficult and complex issues in the Middle East," the statement read. "Your feedback and commentary are important to us. We hope that the outpouring of intense communication in the past week can be a step in the process of peace, not a step towards the escalation of conflict."