At the same conference, Dr. Bruce Walker of Harvard
revealed a case of a Boston man whose immune system had been
successfully fighting the HIV infection on its own, but who
subsequently had unprotected sex and became reinfected with a modified
strain of HIV, after which his health declined precipitously. Walker's
stunning findings implied that the HIV virus was sufficiently mutable
and durable as to make any prospect of finding an effective vaccine
highly unlikely.
Meanwhile, a headline in the Gay Pride issue of the Village Voice heralded "The Return of Public Sex." Reporting approvingly on anonymous sex at abandoned Hudson River docks and Manhattan orgies that are advertised on the Internet and have $20 entrance fees, Steve Weinstein writes: "After years of AIDS anxiety and government repression, gay public sex is bigger and better than ever." A similar headline in the Gay Pride issue of the San Francisco Bay Guardian announced that "Gat Sluts Are Back." While praising "unapologetic homo-lust," self-described "gay slut" Simon Sheppard reports on large increases in unprotected sex, leading to new infections. "The threat of HIV was (and is) real and deadly," Sheppard writes. "But the epidemic was also seized upon as an instrument of control, both by assimilationists within the queer community who wanted us all to behave like good girls and by those in the larger heterocentrist culture who were both envious of and repelled by men who numbered their sex partners in the dozens. Or hundreds. Or thousands."