More trouble at the nation's amusement parks, two dozen people injured. Why won't Congress let the government regulate those parks?
An Inclusive Litany
Maher: I do think, if it turns out that this beautiful young girl is gone, I think, and he [Condit] is responsible in some way, you have to look to Ken Starr for a little bit of guilt.
Maher: Because, you know, Ken Starr made it so that you, in the old days, you had an affair with somebody, and you know, okay, you had an affair. The press didn't report it. They didn't make a political criminal case of it. Now, its almost like you have to get rid of them.
[Ed.: Maher's comment is included here because, by his own design, one cannot be certain when he's being serious.]
Racial profiling has resulted in prison color ratios that are seriously out of sync with the general population. Doing away with profiling will bring parity to the pen (or would, if justice were really blind).
Racial preference moves student ratios closer to general population proportions. Doing away with preference will perpetuate the effects of centuries of discrimination. And since grade point averages and standardized tests are culturally biased, color-blind admission lets less-qualified whites into the lecture hall while more-qualified people of color are left out on the street, where they have a greater chance of being picked up by the police.
[Ed.: Note that faith-based initiatives are only a bad thing when religion is involved.]
Originally hired in 1983 and assumed by fellow officers to be white
man, he twice took the sergeant's promotional exam without success.
But in 1992, Mahoney successfully petitioned to change his racial
designation to African-American because his birth certificate
described his mother as "colored," in the argot of the day. A
department memo noted that his promotion to sergeant a year later was
based solely on his minority status, to make the police command "more
representative of the community we serve."
Many black officers now consider it a sham that Mahoney, who appears white, should be taken to represent them in a major command position. Many white officers consider Mahoney a white guy who took advantage of an uneven playing field.
In defense of racial preferences in hiring and promotions, Harvard's Gary Orfield notes that "every social policy has its logical absurdities," adding that, to come to terms with multiracial identity, policy makers must "build new complexities into the law."
At the same time, both his need for public life and his sometimes confused explanations for his actions drew attention to his vulnerability. Clinton's enemies sensed his weakness, and it aroused them.In Her Way, another book examining Lewinsky's legacy, Paula Kamen argues that Monica fulfilled the new feminist ideal by being "brazen, relentless and self-centered in her quest for sex and power; in other words, she acted like a man." (Recall that Lewinsky, no doubt empowered, managed to convince herself Clinton would leave his wife for her, would fantasize about their subsequent wedding, and would even wait by the phone for him to call.)
After Princeton English professor Elaine Showalter and a couple of dozen of her
students talked with Lewinsky as part of a forthcoming HBO
special on the cultural meaning of her life story, Showalter hinted to
the Chronicle of Higher Education
that Lewinsky did not always seem entirely in tune with her new batch
of academic admirers. "Was the Lewinsky I saw at Cooper Union
aware of this range of cultural nuance and allusive complexity?
Without violating the terms of the confidentiality agreement, I think
I can say that her intellectual journey has not included exposure to
cultural studies."
The Clinton/Lewinsky relationship has itself come under increased scrutiny from academic "queer theorists" for its less obvious transgressive aspects. Tyler Curtain of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill notes the significance of the book Clinton bestowed on Lewinsky as a gift, Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass: "Something about the Clinton-Lewinsky relationship is definitely queer.... Whitman has been used as a shibboleth for nonnormative sexuality since his first writings..."
Ann Cvetkovich, English professor at the University of Texas at Austin, notes that the hallway where the couple engaged in their tryst "is not unlike the bathrooms and parks where gay men have public sex." Cvetkovich also sees the narrow hallway as reminiscent of the crawl space where escaped slaves were obliged to hide while fleeing north, and so "demonstrates the constraints of the presidency." While the "differences between the slave girl and the president are vast," Cvetkovich insists that "in both narratives, spatial confinement makes the impact of the social systems material."
Only if our society realize that there are so many factors contributing to a student's test score, then teachers will be willing to take the blam game. Who is to blam when students don't do homeworks? who is to blam when pareants don't care to come to the teacher pareant conference?
[Ed.: In a subsequent letter to his constituents, Condit said: "I hope you will understand that I am not perfect and have made my share of mistakes." Leaving out the words "promptly" and "truthfully," Condit insisted: "I have not been silent with those in charge of finding Chandra. I have answered every single question asked by the police and FBI."]

[Ed.: This decision failed to get a rise out of critics of the Bush administration's proposal to direct public funds to faith-based charities, widely regarded as an erosion of church/state separation.]
But a study by Frederick Paola in the January 2001 edition of the Southern Medical Journal concludes that such a measure would substantially increase doctors' liability insurance premiums to account for bad advice dispensed to patients' families who, after disarming, subsequently become crime victims. Research by criminologist Gary Kleck reveals some 2.5 million incidents in the United States between 1988 and 1993 in which guns were successfully used to ward off criminals and prevent injury. The Centers for Disease Control reported that in 1997 the firearm-related deaths for children age fourteen and under was 630, a number that unfortunately would be greater the more parents disarmed.
[Ed.: More inflated estimates of gun-related fatalities among children include adolescent gang members in the category.]
Los Angeles County officials, realizing that there is no tax collector in outer space, hope to fill the void.Reaching 22,300 miles above the equator, boldly going where no tax collector has gone before, Los Angeles County Assessor Rick Auerbach is angling to impose property taxes on several satellites.
Though never done before in California, the move is legal, say state and county tax attorneys. That's because, they say, nobody else is taxing the satellites....
Attorneys for the state Board of Equalization, consulted by Auerbach, came down on the county assessor's side.
"While the satellites are in Earth orbit," wrote the Board of Equalization attorneys in a background paper, "they nonetheless have a situs for tax purposes in Los Angeles County, California."

"There are elements to the Bee Gees songs that could have directed you to the great central canonical texts," explained John Kerrigan, chairman of the English finals examination board. "The line in the Bee Gees song where he sings 'the feeling's gone and you can't go on' is a fair summary of the end of King Lear."
I saw the picture of the new baby dolphin in your July 17 paper. I have one question: Every time a dolphin is born at The Mirage, will they be enlarging the pool the mammals are kept in? Every new baby grows up and takes up living space—making the area they have smaller and smaller. Dolphins in a cement fish bowl. Shame.—Cindy Sautter
Las Vegas