Citizens for Tax Justice ... reported that almost half of those Americans in the bottom 60 percent of income earners—more than 32 million individuals and families—will receive no rebates [under the new tax bill]....Michele Davis, a Treasury Department spokeswoman, said: "We have a single statistic: One hundred percent of the people with income tax liability will receive a rebate."
[CTJ director Robert] McIntyre said "that is a fair statement."
[Ed.: Following the bill's passage, a coalition of more than 500
organizations called Fair Taxes for All
charged that the tax cut was not just unwise but immoral. Many
organized an appeal to direct rebate checks their way, so that they
could more effectively address various progressive concerns, among
which to expose the immorality of the tax cut. Seemingly, these groups
should be asking the public to send rebate checks back to the
government, where the money presumably belongs. (A little-known fact:
if you send the IRS extra money, hey, they'll take it!) Simply put,
these groups are either greedy and have no standing to criticize the
vice in others as they benefit from the tax cut they deplore, or
implicitly acknowledge that they are more effective than the
government at addressing their agenda items, thereby validating a
non-coerced free-market approach in that arena.]