On behalf of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), I am writing to ask that you make Timothy McVeigh's final meals vegetarian ones. This request has been suggested to PETA by several of my friends in Oklahoma, where I grew up (about 15 minutes from the Federal Building).
Now that the federal prison system offers a vegetarian meal plan, Mr. McVeigh should not be allowed to take even one more life. In fact, wiping meat off all inmates' plates could help killers lose their taste for blood. As you know, many violent criminals, including Jeffrey Dahmer, started out as animal abusers, and it's been found that all serial killers have a background history of torturing animals. Feeding inmates bean burritos rather than baby back ribs might just help break the cycle of violence.
An Inclusive Litany
From a letter to Warden Harley Lappin from Bruce Friedrich,
vegan campaign coordinator for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals,
March 20, 2001: