After four violent incidents (one fatal) erupted at a football game at
California State University in Sacramento, controversy erupted because
one of the alleged perpetrators pictured in the school newspaper, in a
dangerous choke hold while resisting arrest, was Latin American. As a
result, Latino students stole 3,000 copies of the
State Hornet,
used them to barricade the paper's editorial offices, then presented a
list of nonnegotiable demands, including a permanent ban on
publication of any material depicting minority members in a negative
Throughout this uproar, university president Donald Gerth remained
silent, even when the editorial offices received numerous bomb threats
and death threats. But a month later, when the ethnic studies
department received a bomb threat, he wheeled into action, calling out
the campus police, contacting the FBI, and sending out a stern
campus-wide letter condemning the threat and demanding tolerance.