An Inclusive Litany
And in Baltimore, plans for a mural of Harriet Tubman at the headquarters of the Associated Black Charities were shelved because she was to be depicted holding a musket.
Gore gestured for another piece of paper, and when I gave one to him he bent over the coffee table again and began to draw another diagram.... This second drawing was made up of a circle with twenty little dots floating inside it, connected by wavy lines. "Now, let me come back to your question." He walked me through Thomas Kuhn's theory of scientific revolutions, apologized for the overused word "paradigm," and explained that every so often an unusually creative scientist finds a new way to connect the dots of unexplained data.... "It appears in fractal theory. If you look at a map of the coastline of New Jersey, and then magnify that a thousand times, the basic design of the ins and outs of the coastline will be the same at every level of magnification. And they call that the self-sameness principle. I don't understand it. It's way beyond my depth. But I do believe there's something about our world that—" He began another long pause. "I'm searching for the right word here—that manifests that self-sameness principle in a lot of different ways. And when we find a brand-new understanding of the world that comes out of a powerful new discovery in science, it often allows us to look at social and political matters and find ways to connect the dots that haven't made sense before." I asked Gore where God fits into all of this. "Give me another piece of paper," he said.
In fairness to Bush and his supporters, there's no evidence any of them seriously wish to restore the American society that existed before the adoption of the Thirteenth Amendment in 1865—that is, a society where it was legal for one human being to own another.Daly "teaches writing and American journalism history at Boston University."

[Ed.: PETA also started a campaign to convince parents that feeding meat to their children "constitutes child abuse," and that heart disease, cancer, and strokes were "unequivocally linked" to eating meat.]


Since in so doing the boy had exposed himself, the school later ruled that he had harassed the bus's passengers. The school compelled the boy to sign a statement admitting that he understood the nature of the charges against him.

But apparently not everyone is on board. As soon as Vice President Gore's choice for a running mate was announced, Lee Alcorn, the president of the Dallas chapter of the NAACP, announced his qualms over the radio: "I'm concerned about, you know, any kind of Jewish candidate, you know. And I'm concerned about the Democratic Party. I'm sick of the Democratic Party taking the African-American vote for granted. If we get a Jew person, then what I'm wondering is, I mean, what is this movement for, you know? I think we need to be very suspicious of any kind of partnerships between Jews at that kind of level because we know that their interest primarily has to do with, you know, money and these kinds of things." Just before being fired, Alcorn complained that his comments had been taken out of context. To provide that context, he essentially repeated himself.

While some lawsuits allege sexual and physical abuse, some charge that teaching native children to speak English and adapt to Canadian culture constituted an act of "cultural genocide."
Ottawa has paid a $350 million "healing fund" as a contribution to a settlement, but Indian Affairs Minister Jane Stewart said that the churches must also "feel some pain."
[Ed.: In a survey of state treasurers two years later, the Investor Responsibility Research Center found that seven states—Texas, Connecticut, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Utah, and West Virginia—had taken millions of dollars intended to reimburse them for tobacco-related health expenditures and invested the funds in tobacco companies. As little of 5 percent of tobacco-settlement funds were being directed towards smoking prevention programs.]

THEME: Lived Feminisms/Womanism/New Mestiza Consciousness/Third Wave/Cyberfeminism: The Year 2000 and Looking ForwardWe invite contributions of critical, personal, and narrative essays, poetry, interviews, and other forms of (written) expression from women, men, and transgendered people born between 1960 and 1980 who identify themselves as feminists/Womanists/New Mestiza/Third Wave/Cyberfeminists (all, one, or some) and/or who incorporate/modify/exhibit feminisms/Womanism/New Mestiza Consciousness/Third Wave/Cyberfeminism in their lives/conceptions of self and/or work.
Artists/musicians/photographers and webmasters/designers who wish to make creative submissions need to contact the editor directly. The goal of this publication is to create a grassroots effort that makes the voices, stories, experiences, opinions, and personal brands/lived forms of "feminisms" available to Women Studies students, students, instructors, the public/community through a publication to be called a "jourzine," a form that inhabits the spaces between the "journal" and the "zine." The jourzine will also appear in online format. Advice, guidance, and submissions are also sought from Women Studies, Gender Studies, Queer Studies, African American Studies, African Diaspora Studies, Asian Pacific Studies, Chicana/Chicano Studies, Latina/Latino Studies, Jewish Studies, India Studies, Native American Studies, Multicultural Studies, Cultural Studies, American Studies, European Studies, and Political Science professors, specialists, and grad students. We are also interested in advice, guidance, and submissions from (political/cultural) activists, "everyday people," professionals, and nonprofessionals alike. Possible topics include, but are not limited to:
your brand of feminism(s) how you developed it and how you use it in your life and/or your activisms
race, society, culture, and (your) feminism(s)
racism, society, culture, and (your) feminism(s)
ethnicity, society, culture, and (your) feminism(s)
sexual identity, society, culture, and (your) feminism(s)
heterosexism, homophobia, society, culture, and (your) feminism(s)
class, society, culture, and (your) feminism(s)
"disabilities," culture, and (your) feminism(s)
geography, society, culture, and (your) feminism(s)
religion and (your) feminism(s)
take back the night and (your) feminism(s)
reproductive rights and (your) feminism(s)
the body and (your) feminism(s)
the "job" and (your) feminism(s)
the "career" and (your) feminism(s)
the family and (your) feminism(s)
dating and (your) feminism(s)
love/lovers and (your) feminism(s)
fat oppression and (your) feminism(s)
skinny oppression and (your) feminism(s)
beauty/style, its delights, horrors, joys, and oppressions and (your) feminism(s)
the word "feminist" and (your) feminism(s)
list-serves or discussion lists and (your) feminism(s)
zines and (your) feminism(s)
feminist, Womanist, Third Wave, New Mestiza, mujeres de color theories, and the practice of (your) feminism(s)
"this bridge called my back" and (your) feminism(s)
"to be real" and (your) feminism(s)
"bulletproof diva" and (your) feminism(s)
"making face, making soul: haciendo caras" and (your) feminism(s)
"sister outsider" and (your) feminism(s)
"compañeras: latina lesbians" and (your) feminism(s)
Alice Walker and (your) feminism(s)
bell hooks and (your) feminism(s)
Gloria Anzaldúa and (your) feminism(s)
Audre Lorde and (your) feminism(s)
Rebecca Walker and (your) feminism(s)
French feminisms and (your) feminism(s)
any author, poet, text, film, TV program, "star," performance artist, art, music/musician, social movement, cultural production/producer/icon/iconoclast. and (your) feminism(s) (For example, Louise Erdrich, Jamaica Kincaid, Carole Maso, Gayl Jones, Mitsuye Yamada, Adrienne Rich, Chrystos, Xena, Buffy, Tori Amos, Shabana Azmi, Fire, Girl, Interrupted, Run Lola Run, Dogma, etc.)
grrl movements and (your) feminism(s)
the notion of a "feminist space" and (your) feminism(s)
the First Wave and (your) feminism(s)
the Second Wave and (your) feminism(s)
Women Studies programs and (your) feminism(s)
in-betweeneity and (your) feminism(s)
the notion/circumstances/consequences of "I'm not a feminist, but..." and (your) feminism(s)
the notion/circumstances/consequences of "I'm a feminist, but I'm not a lesbian" and (your) feminism(s)
post-structuralism, post-modernism and (your) feminism(s)Essays should not exceed 7,000 words and should follow MLA guidelines for citation and presentation. However, importance is placed on the contributors writing in their own style or in a style/manner that emphasizes the form/content of their submissions. Please include a short bio with submissions.