Stockport College in Manchester, England, instituted a ban on the
words "gentleman," "history," "manmade," "lady," "Mrs.,"
and "postman," along with over two dozen other terms. Anyone caught
using the terms could be denied admission or employment at the
college. Gone too are terms like "normal couple," "man on the
street," "mixed race," and "bird" when not referring to creatures
that actually have feathers on them. The words "crazy," "mad,"
and "manic" are also proscribed, since they are offensive to those
suffering from mental health problems. And nobody can be referred to
as "slaving over a hot stove," since that "minimizes the horror and
oppression of the slave trade."
Also, Britain's National Employment Service
instituted a ban on the words "hard-working," "enthusiastic,"
"smart," and "reliable" from a newspaper ad, claiming they
violated the 1999 Disability Discrimination Act. The ban, which also
covered the phrase, "commitment and a desire to succeed are vital,"
was later rescinded amid a hail of ridicule.