But what had always bothered Betsey Wright most about certain troopers was their bad influence upon Clinton himself. She disliked their boozing and womanizing most of all. Keeping sexually adventurous women away from Bill Clinton had been a staff preoccupation for as long as he had been in public life.
"They exploited his sexual attractiveness to women," Wright said. "Their running around carousing at night was driving me crazy, because the stories always came back about how these guys working for the governor were put picking up women in bars."
Yet Clinton plainly enjoyed the troopers' tales of conquest. Wright sometimes thought he had a compulsive need to be accepted that stemmed from childhood insecurities. "He had a vicarious enjoyment of the good old boy games," she said. "He loved locker-room stories. There's a part of this guy who wanted to be a good old boy and he just never could be."
An Inclusive Litany
From The Hunting of the President: The Ten-Year Campaign to
Destroy Bill and Hillary Clinton, by Joe Conason and Gene