An Inclusive Litany
Lerone Bennett Jr., an executive editor of Ebony magazine who has written many books on the subject of reparations, calls for an apology first, followed by "several hundred billion dollars" worth of payments in the form of a massive Marshall-style rebuilding of black communities, and "GI bill-type individual disbursements for scholarships and home purchases."
In response to critics who consider it inappropriate to offer reparations to people who weren't enslaved themselves, some black psychologists countered that slavery has had a lasting impact, and refer to it as "post-slavery traumatic syndrome."
Comparing the two incidents, the New York Times editorialized: "there were no indications that race had played a role [in the Dorismond shooting], as was alleged in the death of Mr. Diallo." The Times went on to explain that whereas the officers in the Diallo case were white, "the three officers involved in the confrontation with [Dorismond] are Hispanic."
In neither case had there been any allegations of racist statements on the part of police officers, or even any tendency to ignore white suspects to concentrate maliciously on blacks.
Despite the shortage of child-care centers and preschools in Ventura County, Head Start employees must recruit children to fill classrooms in several of their 16 schools.
Beginning next week, bilingual outreach workers will canvass neighborhoods, set up tables at public health clinics and visit local markets. And they will go door-to-door, trying to persuade low-income parents to register their children at a Head Start preschool....
"Recruiting is necessary and exhausting," [Sandra Estrada] said. "It's hard to find people in this area. I'm worried about how I am going to find kids for next year."


But what had always bothered Betsey Wright most about certain troopers was their bad influence upon Clinton himself. She disliked their boozing and womanizing most of all. Keeping sexually adventurous women away from Bill Clinton had been a staff preoccupation for as long as he had been in public life.
"They exploited his sexual attractiveness to women," Wright said. "Their running around carousing at night was driving me crazy, because the stories always came back about how these guys working for the governor were put picking up women in bars."
Yet Clinton plainly enjoyed the troopers' tales of conquest. Wright sometimes thought he had a compulsive need to be accepted that stemmed from childhood insecurities. "He had a vicarious enjoyment of the good old boy games," she said. "He loved locker-room stories. There's a part of this guy who wanted to be a good old boy and he just never could be."
Defendants claim to have suffered from headaches, bronchitis, red and swollen eyes, vertigo, migranes, fatigue, sinus infections, sleep disorders, deteriorating memory, and laryngitis. The last symptom was reported by a woman named Brenda Smith, who worked as a customer service representative, answering phones all day long. The New York Times and other media outlets failed to mention that Ms. Smith, complaining of respiratory problems, has been a heavy smoker for years.
The annual gender-bending Sager dance became an unlikely forum for homophobic slurs last Saturday night, as partygoers reported several different incidents of harassment.
Verbal slurs were allegedly dropped both in- and outside the party, which was held at both Olde Club and the Women's Resource Center. Daniel Koltonski '02 said that when he left the party at around 1 a.m., he saw two "really drunk, really loud guys" talking outside Sharples III. One apparently referenced the party and then remarked to the other one, "F***ing faggots ruin everything."
According to Julie Russo '01, a board member of the Swarthmore Queer Union (SQU), homophobic epithets were also heard inside the party. "There were some drunken frat boys there, and at least one of them was making homophobic comments," Russo said....
In the wake of last weekend's events, members of the queer community are now doubting whether to continue organizing the dance in future years. "The Sager party should not be a place where a queer person is going to feel uncomfortable in any way," Russo said....
Instead of underscoring the gender issues discussed at [a corresponding] symposium, Russo said that Sager has become an "institutionalized event [in which] guys... dress up in drag but not really with the spirit of breaking down gender barriers. It's just this expression of homophobia."
She added, however, that parts of Saturday's party were enjoyable. "There was a great party going on in the WRC, and there was this huge orgy going on downstairs, and it was fabulous. I think that if the party somehow forms the opportunity of having a big orgy, that's good." ...
The Cuban government has added a fresh coat of paint and made other
improvements to Elian's likely new home, a two-bedroom converted
garage in an "exclusive neighborhood" where he would have his own
room—"a luxury in housing-short Cuba." The family would also
receive five free gallons of gasoline a month, and a bag of extra
rice, beans, cooking oil, deodorant, shampoo, razors and shaving
cream—about $15 a month worth of goods.
[Ed.: CBS's Randall Pinkston noted that in Juan Miguel Gonzalez's hometown of Cardenes, people move their goods with horse-drawn carts and there is sewage in the streets where children play.]
[Ed.: How the two performers in question managed this feat of synchronization loses something in the telling.]
And the undergraduate council at Harvard University passed a resolution asking the administration to make it harder for students to change rooms when they learn their roommates are gay.