An Inclusive Litany
[Maryland] Gov. Parris N. Glendening today lambasted lawmakers who want to divert Maryland's share of the national tobacco settlement from cancer research and education for use on myriad smaller, localized and sometimes "odd" projects...."There are many voices in the legislature today who have a different idea about how we should spend this money," he said. "There are a few that are odd, like build an additional road or cut taxes."
Soon after, the volunteer developed misgivings over the episode, and
complained. A friend explained, "He felt he was being violated.
He just didn't think this was cool." The volunteer's mother was
rumored to be a judge, and it was feared the student might sue.
The administration placed Yegge on academic probation, and banned him
from engaging in public sex on campus, ostensibly for engaging in
unprotected sex without a condom. Officials also had lengthy meetings
with Yegge's instructor, Tony Labat, who later called the piece
"irresponsible," "bad art," but who did nothing to stop it while
it was taking place, and apparently even signed off on Yegge's basic
premise prior to its performance. One student was so upset after
witnessing the incident, that she enrolled in Labat's class
specifically to perform her own piece protesting Yegge's piece.
Yegge explained his intent by saying, "It's about Heidegger, Derrida—all this stuff. It's about pushing the notion of gay sex, pushing the notion of consent, pushing the notion of what's legal. We are living in the era of AIDS. This is about his responsibility, my responsibility. During your tenure in this school you're required to read The Tears of Eros by Georges Bataille, where he discusses pain and the history of erotic art. You jump across time and you jump across eras. You might present this performance art, then the students might read Bataille and it might make sense. Or they might see this performance and then see Bataille." Yeah right.
Yegge quit the Art Institute, on principle. "I'm just shocked and appalled that you can't do certain things in art school," he announced.
[Ed.: The Institute previously awarded Karen Finley an honorary doctorate for the sort of work it punished Yegge for performing.]

[Ed.: Part of The Vagina Monologues features a sympathetic depiction of an adult woman getting a thirteen-year-old girl drunk and having sex with her. Afterwards, the girl says gratefully, "I'll never need to rely on a man." In an unpublished review of a campus production for the Georgetown University Hoya, Robert Swope noted that if a man "had gotten her liquored up and then had sex with her, rational people... would consider that rape." The reason Swope's review was unpublished, by the way, was that he was fired for writing it, and all of his previous articles were deleted from the paper's Web archive as if he had never worked there. Similarly, the Monologues were later modified to remove any reference to the rape, and V-day organizers even threatened legal action against anyone who staged the original version, ostensibly to ensure an accurate rendering of Ensler's work.]
[Ed.: A psychic hotline service later signed a consent order, assuring Florida's attorney general it would not hire any employees who hadn't sworn in writing they had psychic powers.]
Outstripping all the other countries in Europe for just the right mix of fun and sophistication, France is a gay-friendly destination par excellence. Whether you want to watch a can-can—or even be in one—or take in the monumentally moving sights of grand Gothic cathedrals, royal castles in the Loire Valley, or unsurpassed art collections, France is the in place to be out.
At the heart of Paris is a liquid valley, the Seine River. In warm weather the river's walkways attract sunbathers, and all year round the banks are lined with booksellers' stalls, lovers ambling hand in hand, silent contemplative wanderers, a fiery group of tango dancers here, an impromptu gathering of musicians there, and always the quiet fishermen with their long thin poles bobbing at the waves. At the west, the iconic Eiffel Tower, erect in all its iron glory, dominates the Seine, and as you travel farther east, there's the Musée d'Orsay, the Louvre, and wonderful apartment buildings that will make you ache with envy.
Are you among those who've always suspected that in a past life you were "to the manor born"? France's châteaux present hundreds of opportunities the bring out the king, or queen, in you, and to satisfy whatever appetites you may have.
Champagne, the most celebratory wine of France, is, of course, that bubbly concoction that renders you even more giddy. It is credited to a certain Dom Pérignon, a monk living with his brothers at the Hautvillers abbey around 1700, who is said to have proclaimed when he tried it, "I am tasting stars!" If you, too, would like a heavenly mouthful, then head to Champagne, the province east of Paris.
The biggest contribution to spirits in the southwest is Armagnac, one of the most distinguished brandies in the world. The town of Condom has and Armagnac Museum and plans to open another museum dedicated to the love sheath that shares the town's name.
Who could resist sending a postcard: "In Condom. Wish you were here"?
John Travolta's wife, Kelly Preston, will be having a "quiet birth" when she delivers her second child, due next month, the (N.Y.) Daily News reports. According to the teaching of Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard, the delivery room will be hushed "so there's nothing in the child's mind that shouldn't be there while there's pain going on," said Travolta. Preston, however, will be allowed to moan in pain. "The sounds are not as detrimental," her husband said. "Any people saying any kind of negative verbiage may adversely affect the baby later on."
This interpretive ethnography explores the academic practices of three lesbian faculty members at Liberal U., a public research university. Drawing on poststructural theories, the text takes readers beyond constructions of lesbian faculty that rely on identity, voices, and visibility to consider the construction and shifting meanings of academic research, teaching, and collegial relations in practice. Talburt depicts the complicated relations of knowledge, identity, and sexuality as interrelated terms whose meanings are constructed as contingent possibilities. This book challenges us to rethink policy and practice, identity and difference, and knowledge and ignorance as lived and created in constantly shifting networks of relation.
[Ed.: Talburt is also co-editing a volume entitled, Thinking Queer: Sexuality, Culture, and Education.]
- George W. Bush:
- What's it like to be in a mosh pit?
- Alan Keyes:
- It's a lot of fun, actually. I enjoyed it...
- Bernard Shaw:
- Mr. Bauer, for Mr. Keyes....
- Gary Bauer:
- Al, let me read a quote from you. You said that one of the most important things is the dignity of the presidency. In fact, you said that it's important that those of us that aspire to be president act not like guests on "The Jerry Springer Show," which is incompatible with the dignity of politics.... [N]obody made you jump in the mosh pit. Do you think that's consistent with...
- Keyes:
- Oh, that's very true.
- Bauer:
- you think that's consistent with the dignity of the presidency?
- Keyes:
- Well, I would leave that to the judgement of the American people. I do know that, when I got down, one of the folks who was there with one of the news crews looked at me and he said, "You know, you're the only person I've ever seen dive into a mosh pit and come out with his tie straight." And I think that—you know, the real test of dignity, the real test of dignity is how you carry it through hard times. I think I learned that from my people. We went through slavery when we didn't have the outward signs of what others would call dignity. Because we understood that dignity comes from within, and that whatever circumstance you are going through, you can carry that dignity with you and no one can take it away. So, I think you may have a misunderstanding of dignity. It doesn't come from what you do in a mosh pit. It comes from what you do as a result of the convictions of your heart. And I'll leave it to the American people to judge the convictions of my heart.

[Ed.: Keyes lost every election in which he participated.]
[Ed.: OSHA went into full retreat as soon as the story broke,
issuing a "clarification" meant to dispel "confusion" about its
policy. In fact, the material the Post drew upon was posted at
the agency's website under a heading titled, unambiguously enough,
"OSHA policies concerning employees working at home," and signed by Richard Fairfax,
director of compliance programs. Drawn up in response to a request for
guidance from a Houston businessman, the policy directive explicitly
states that employers may have to conduct on-site safety inspections
to ensure compliance.
Martha Kent, director of OSHA's safety standards program and head of the ergonomics initiative, later told a trade publication that issuing a regulation "is a thrill; its a high.... I love it; I absolutely love it. I was born to regulate. I don't know why, but that's very true. So as long as I'm regulating, I'm happy."]

In all the coverage of the terrible bonfire tragedy in Texas, few people have mentioned the other tragedy [news story, Nov. 21, "Funerals Begin In A&M Bonfire Tragedy"].I look at all those trees that were cut down just to be burned and I'm horrified. What about the waste of our natural resources?
And this has been going on how many years?
In its short life of only about a hundred years, the Inca Empire came to stretch 2,500 miles—roughly the distance from New York City and Los Angeles. By the Spanish conquest in 1532 the Inca, a small ethnic group based in Cuzco, Peru, ruled more than 12 million subjects, of 100 different cultures, speaking at least 20 languages. The Inca were not the brutal conquerors the Spaniards were. They used gifts as well as spears to demonstrate power to potential subjects. Inca textiles, for example, inspired awe among villagers. Once in charge, the Inca assimilated new peoples with remarkable effectiveness....
Child sacrifices were part of this approach. The Inca obtained children from throughout the empire and rewarded their families with positions or goods. Sacrifices were unifying events; children often were taken to Cuzco for celebrations before processions bore them on long journeys and up massive mountains to sacrifice sites.