An Inclusive Litany


From "Rezedents Rights & Rispansabilities," a pamphlet distributed to Caribbean tenants by the Department of Housing and Urban Development. HUD withdrew the pamphlet in September after receiving numerous complaints. While HUD routinely translates its documents into such languages as Spanish, French, Korean, and Portuguese, officials blamed this dialect translation variously on a contractor, the Government Printing Office, and some as yet unknown prankster.
Yuh as a rezedent, ave di rights ahn di rispansabilities to elp mek yuh HUD-assisted owzing ah behta owme fi yuh ahn yuh fambily. Dis brochure briefly liss some ahf yuh muos impowtant right ahn rispansabilities fi elp yuh get di muos owt ah yuh owme.

Yuh Rights:

  • Di right fi get reasonable notice, in writing fi ehni non-imergency inspeckshan aur ehni ahdah entry inna yuh apawtment.

  • Di right fi puoss materials in cammon areas fi infawm ahdah rezedents bout dem rights ahn also about apportunities ahf ow dem caan invalve demself in deir projeks.

  • Di rights fi recognition by prahpaty ownas ahn manigahs as smady dat ave a seh in rezedenshal community affairs.

  • Di right fi egual ahn fair treatment widowt regard to colour, religion, gendah, disability, familial status, national origin, aur age.

Yuh Rispansabilities:

  • Payin de carrek amount a rent pan a timely basis everi muhnt.

  • Conduktin yuhself in a mannah dat wuhduhn disturb yuh neighbahs.

  • Nat engagin in criminal aktivity inna di unit, common areas, aur grouns. Fi kyp yuh unit clean ahn nat littaryn di grouns aur common areas.

  • Fi comply wid local kwodes dat affek de ehlt aur safety ahf di rezedence.

As ah pawt ahfits dedication fi maintain di bes pawsible living enviornment fi all rezedents, yuh HUD field affice encourage ahn suppowts:

  • Promt considerashan ahn resalushan ahf rezedent complaints by ownas ahn manigahs.

  • Rezedent auganizashan ahn pawticipashan in decishans regawding di apawtment building dat ahfek di well-being ahf yuh owme.

If yuh belive dat yuh ave suffahd from discriminashan aur whud like more infahmashan, call 1-800-669-9777 aur cawl yuh lowkal HUD affice ahf Fair Owzing ahn Equal Appatunity.

[Ed.: The pamphlet also includes an introductory statement by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, "Sekretary Andrew M. Cuomo fella."]