"There is a new book out I commend to you,"
President Clinton commented,
"by Paul Hawken and Amory and Hunter Lovins called
Natural Capitalism."
The book the president apparently takes seriously recommends
drastically curtailing nearly all forms of resource and land
use. According to the authors, "Of the $9 trillion spent every year
in the United States, at least $2 trillion annually is wasted." As
"waste," the authors count spending on law, litigation, accounting,
auditing, bookkeeping, and recordkeeping. The authors also regard much
health care spending as wasteful, complaining that the sector sucks
up "$69 billion [annually] on obesity, $274 billion on heart disease
and strokes, and $52 billion on substance abuse." The authors also
declare that "[t]he total hidden social costs of driving, not paid
by the motorist, total nearly $1 trillion" annually.