An Inclusive Litany

Inmate bilked trucking companies out of funds (approximately $100,000) available to truckers on the road, using three-way calling and outside contacts to cash the checks.Inmate used phone to direct the importation of heroin from Pakistan to New York.
Inmate defrauded females he met through "lonely hearts" ads. He claimed to be a white-collar criminal with much money on the outside that he needed the females to help him access.
Phones were used to assist in planning construction of explosive device.
Organized-crime-member inmate schemed with co-conspirator on the outside to re-encode magnetic strips on counterfeit credit cards.
Inmate used phones to communicate to co-conspirators concerning a multi-kilogram cocaine deal. Also used a cellular phone, provided by correctional officer, to arrange the murder of the judge in his pending case.
Inmate used phone to arrange with his mother to procure someone to murder the girlfriend of one of the witnesses in his case.
Inmate laundered $175,000 to pay his attorney fees, using other inmates' phone accounts and call forwarding.
Inmate used the telephone to arrange a drug delivery to a tree outside the institution to be picked up by an inmate while working as a member of the grounds crew.
Inmate had his corporate secretary forward calls for hours each day to conduct a bank-fraud scheme that involved buying and selling airplanes.
Writers at the Times also may not refer to a woman as a housewife or homemaker. But the style sheet also prohibits disclosing a man's occupation without also disclosing his wife's situation in life, even if she is a housewife or homemaker.
My flashlight went out and I heard someone right behind me and I turned in a very slowly scared way and boom the lights came on and the door bell rang. I walked very slowly and creepy and turned the knob ding dong the door bell went again. I said just a minute and I will be right there and I looked through the little hole in the door and Robin said Boo. I told him to come in and have a seat and we both wated and wated for Ismael because he was supposed to bring the oz so we could get high but a half an hour later still no Ismael so I got the Idea of freeon and we grabbed a bag and a knife and ran out back to the airconditionar. We through the bag over the nostle and covered it tightly and used the knife to press the volv. We started to hear something after we got high so we ditched everything we quickly run to the door to see who it was and there wasn't anybody there then we heard someone at the back door to see who it was I thought it was a crook so I busted out with a 12 guage and Ismael busted out with 9 mm and we step off the porch and this bloody body droped down in front of us and scared us half to death and about 20 kids started cracking up and pissed me off so I shot Matt, Jake, and Ben started laughing so hard that I acssedently shot Mrs. Henry. Ismael saw someone steeling antifreeze so Ismael shot over ther neer the airconditionar and hit somebody. They also scattered out and went home and my mom drove up and everything was back to normal but they didn't have any heads.
The right wing has cut off the opportunities for women to get ahead by trying to kill affirmative action everywhere. And now they're trying to cut off from us sleeping around to get ahead. You know, there have been some perfectly good big salaries, big titles that have come as a consequence of little liaisons like this. And now those right-wing nuts are going to slam that door, too.


After an initial pause, security guards wrestled the two men off the artwork, but its sheets and pillows were left in hopeless disarray. The pair, who had been trained in London's finest art schools, claimed their actions represented performance art that exemplified the concept of "Anti-Stuckism." One complained after his arrest, "the way they treated us visual artists was ignorant."
A Canadian tourist who claims that his penis was crushed by a faulty toilet seat at a Starbucks Corp restaurant has sued the giant coffee retailer for $1.5 million, his attorney said Monday."Our client, Edward Skwarek, was in a seated position on the toilet when he turned to retrieve the toilet paper in back of the seat when the seat shifted causing his penis to be caught and crushed between the seat and the bowl," said Richard Robbins, the lawyer for Skwarek, 37, of Toronto.
The suit, filed Nov. 26 in Manhattan Supreme Court, alleges the coffee house was careless in "allowing a defective toilet seat to remain open... causing a hazardous and unsafe condition... in its public restrooms." ...
The suit also claims that as a result of Starbucks' carelessness, Skwarek suffered a "crushed penis, Peyronie's disease, retrograde ejaculation with consequent substantial reduction in sperm count, infertility, severe bruising to his penis and sexual function impairment."
Peyronie's disease usually causes deviation of the erect penis to one side...
Skwarek seeks $1 million in damages and his wife $500,000 because she has been "deprived of his services."
Officials in Muscogee County dealt with the same problem simply by painting over the offending detail. "We said some kids will never even notice it, but there's always going to be the one or two who are going to get everything started," explained an administrator.
The Fall 1999 Film Series
Sponsored by the Program in African-American Studies, Princeton University and Co-Sponsored by the Black Graduate CaucusBegins Wednesday, November 10th.
Screening Location & Time:
- November 10—8:15 pm * The Superwoman in Black Action Films...
- Foxy Brown
- Directed by Jack Hill (1974, 92 minutes)
- Foxy Brown is a 1970s black action—"blaxploitation"—film which stars Pam Grier. According to one critic, Grier's performance is "endowed with a violent sensuality." "Foxy Brown" is the film's heroine who personalizes her vengeance against drug dealers, murderers, and anyone who seeks the oppression of her brothers and sisters.
- Discussion led by Donna Jones (Assistant Professor, English and African-American Studies)
- November 17—8:15 pm * Racism & Homophobia
- Tongues Untied
- Directed by Marlon Riggs (1989, 55 minutes)
- This highly acclaimed film by Emmy Award-winning director Marlon Riggs combines poetry, personal testimony, rap and performance to describe the racism and homophobia that confront black gay men.
- Discussion led by Fred Wherry (Graduate Student, Woodrow Wilson School)
- December 1—8:15 pm * Beauty and the Black Female Body
- The Life and Times of Sara Baartman—"The Hottentot Venus"
- **Best Documentary, 1999, Milan Festival of African Cinema
- **Best Documentary, 1999, FESPACO, Pan-African Film Festival
- Directed by Zola Maseko (1998, 52 minutes)
- Using historical drawings, cartoons, legal documents, and interviews with noted cultural historians and anthropologists, this documentary deconstructs the social, political, scientific and philosophical assumptions which transformed one young African woman into a representation of savage sexuality and racial inferiority.
- Discussion led by Noliwe Rooks (Visiting Professor, African-American Studies) & Stephanie Smith (Graduate Student, English)
- December 8—8:15 pm * Black Manhood in Rap & Reggae Cultures
- The Darker Side of Black
- Directed by Isaac Julien (1995, 59 minutes)
- This investigation of the "darker" side of contemporary black music takes a close look at Rap and Reggae—particularly the complex issues raised by both genres, such as ritualized machismo, misogyny, homophobia, and gun glorification. With scenes from dance halls and hip hop clubs in London, Jamaica, and the USA, this film uses music video clips and interviews with Cornel West and other cultural critics to challenge assumptions about black manhood/masculinity/sexuality.
- Discussion led by Lyndon Dominique (Graduate Student, English) and Keith Mayes (Graduate Student, History)
- December 15—8:15 pm * Interracial Romance
- The Politics of Love: In Black and White
- Directed by Ed Burley and Chris Weck (1993, 33 minutes)
- The first documentary to explore the personal and political implications of [black-white] interracial romance in America. The film's two directors—one black, one white—uncover unspoken community norms and submerged issues of identity.
- The Potluck and the Passion
- Directed by Cheryl Dunye (1992, 30 minutes)
- A commentary on [black-white] interracial lesbian relationships and the historical relationships of African-American women to issues of race, sexuality, and gender.
- Seoul II Soul
- Directed by Hak J. Chung (1998, 25 minutes)
- This film by a Korean American filmmaker takes a close look at interracial romance and biracial identity by focusing on a very engaging family—the Yates household, which consists of the father, a black Korean War veteran, the mother, a Korean war bride, and their three Afro-Amerasian children.
- Discussion led by Anastasia Curwood (Graduate Student, History) and Scott Lucious (Dissertation Fellow, African-American Studies)
Rocky Mathey Theater
Wednesdays @ 8:15 pmAll screenings followed by an open discussion
Juice and cookies servedAdmission: Free
For more information e-mail Scott Lucious:
"Black sexuality," according to Cornel West, "is a taboo subject in America primarily because it is a form of black power over which white America has had little control..." In Race Matters he argues that "Americans are obsessed with sex and fearful of black sexuality. The obsession has to do with a search for stimulation and meaning in a fast-paced, market-driven culture; the fear is rooted in visceral feelings about black bodies and fueled by sexual myths of black women and men. The dominant myths draw black women and men either as threatening creatures who have the potential for sexual power over whites, or as harmless, desexed underlings of a white culture."
The screenings and open discussions throughout this film series call attention to the need to demythologize and rethink black sexuality.

The boy's murder, which received virtually no national media coverage, occurred approximately one month prior to the brutal murder, in Wyoming, of Matthew Shepard, a young homosexual man, at the hands of three parolees who thought he was making a pass at them. That crime received massive attention, and much criticism was leveled at the religious right, who were said to bear moral responsibility for the crime. Denver Post editorialist Sue O'Brien explained the disparate coverage thus: "Jesse Dirkhising... wasn't being punished because he was young, or male, or straight or gay. He was simply there." Indeed.
One of Shepard's killers, Aaron McKinney, said that a combination of "gay panic" syndrome and the drug methamphetamine made him kill Shepard, and that he was thus not responsible. But as prosecutor Cal Rerucha pointed out, gay panic apparently had no role in the numerous other violent offenses against heterosexuals perpetrated by him and his cohorts.
The court will address
Plaintiff's seasonal confusion![]()
Erroneously believing Christmas
merely a religious intrusion.
We are all better for Santa,
The Easter Bunny too,
And maybe the Great Pumpkin,
To name just a few!
An extra day off
Is hardly high treason;
It may be spent as you wish,
Regardless of reason.
One is never jailed
For not having a tree
For not going to church
For not spreading glee!
The court will uphold,
Seemingly contradictory causes,
Decreeing 'The Establishment' and 'Santa'
Both worthwhile claus(es).