After the University of California at Berkeley
announced budget cuts to its ethnic-studies department, over 100
students occupied a building, leading to a ten-hour standoff with
campus police, broken windows, and 46 arrests. When the university
offered a compromise proposal, six students declared a hunger strike,

and 83 more were arrested after eight days of demonstrations. Berkeley
responded by promising eight full-time professorships in the field, a
"multicultural student center," $100,000 for a
race-and-gender-studies center, and an "ethnic-studies mural."
The student government at the University of Wisconsin
at Madison passed a bill allowing student fees to be used to bail out
student protesters jailed for radical activism and civil disobedience.
Radicals arguing in favor of the measure spoke of how "cool" it
would be to have thousands of dollars to "play with" in case of
[Ed.: Under a proposal by two Yale
law professors, the federal government would give every 18-year-old
high school graduate $80,000.]