An Inclusive Litany
"Sold out" signs appeared on a growing number of Denmark's gas stations yesterday and store shelves had been emptied of bread after two days of a nationwide general strike.
The government stood firm in its refusal to intervene in the strike by 550,000 workers.
Strikers gathered by the thousands in rallies to press their demand for a sixth week of paid vacation—the main issue in dispute.
"Families and children have a stressed life," said Connie Rasmussen, a mother of two and one of about 5,000 strikers who rallied in Copenhagen. "We want a sixth week of holiday to be with our kids."
"Employers have plenty of money. There is enough money to pay compensation to the working class," said Hardy Hansen, a former union leader and ex-lawmaker.
[Ed.: A German lobbying group called the Working Group for the Unemployed called a series of rallies to demand six weeks of annual paid vacation for people out of work, reasoning that since those looking for work are often under more stress than those with jobs, they need a longer holiday.


In a related development following the Asian monetary crisis, the Clinton Administration requested a $17 billion increase in the capital base of the International Monetary Fund, a financial body that owes its continued existence to its willingness to extend loans to developing countries, not to any particular success in doing so.
[Ed.: Castro is also notorious for his excursions into fields well beyond the realm of his expertise. Following his suggestions for improvement, Cuban geneticists crossed two varieties of cow—one of which produced tasty beef and the other of which produced abundant milk—only to produce cows that yielded neither.]"[Cuban president Fidel] Castro is a very interesting boss, one of the most interesting in the entire history of the world. In many ways, he doesn't make decisions, he delegates much more. And when he was younger, he would hop into a helicopter and fly unannounced to a factory somewhere that was in trouble, and all of a sudden the factory just came to a stop, everybody was standing around. He'd stand up in the helicopter and say, "What's gone wrong here?" And rank-and-file people would speak out.
And an hour later, they'd set up some subcommittees somewhere to try to straighten what was going wrong—an extraordinary way of governing.
But I am worried about, as everybody who is concerned for the future of Cuba is, [is] what's going to happen when this extraordinary man is no longer around?
Among the groups participating in the ensuing legal battle over the remains was the Northern California-based Asatru Folk Assembly, which is dedicated to inculcating a quasi-Norse tribal identity similar to that of Native Americans. According to Stephen McNallen, the group's founder, "our way of living was much like that of the American Indians whom you admire. The Earth was our mother, Thor rattled in the thunder, Odin led the Wild Hunt, Freyja showed us that women can be both beautiful and strong." The group claims Kennewick Man as one of their own, and deserving of a proper burial according to ancient European customs.
Opening ceremonies took place in a darkened room with lampstands of flame, beating drums, and dancing women. Mary Farrell Bednarowski, one of the keynote speakers, announced one of the themes of the meeting: "To ask about someone's story is theology." Later she told the crowd, "I don't think anyone here thinks she is God or Goddess, not with a capital 'G' anyway." Rita Nakashima Brock, another speaker, congratulated Re-Imagineers on opposing rape, violence, Western imperialism, multi-national corporations, structural adjustment and welfare "deform." Another speaker, Carter Heyward, commented, "Listening week after week to the liturgy of the Book of Common Prayer is likely to be more damaging to women and girls than a sexy come-on by a sleazy priest." The final ceremony of the weekend was the ritual biting of the apple to symbolize a woman's solidarity with Eve in her rebellion against male authority and phallocentric knowledge.
New York state [has launched] an ambitious initiative that has rescued 160,000 children from the ranks of the [medically] uninsured....As lawmakers have added money each year, an opposite problem has emerged: The program can't find enough children to use up the money.
From the beginning, the state had hired outside workers to ferret out children—an effort that the new federal program also encourages. But many believe those workers did not look hard enough....
State health officials now are working on a new way to guide families into the program.
The millions of American investors who climbed aboard the Starship Dow before its takeoff in the 1990s have watched their net worth soar to dizzying heights. But many more have missed the ride. While Americans are piling into the market in record numbers, the most recent data suggest that six of ever 10 households still do not own stocks—and thus have reaped no direct benefit from the current boom in share prices. That troubles many analysts, who warn that the bull market on Wall Street is aggravating other disturbing economic trends and pushing disparities in wealth and income to proportions not seen since the Gilded Age.
He was a countercultural revolutionary, and the government takes that kind of s*** really seriously historically. He was dangerous to the government. If he had said, "Bomb the White House tomorrow," there would have been ten thousand people who would have done it. These pacifist revolutionaries are historically killed by the government, and anyone who thinks that Mark Chapman was just some crazy guy who killed my dad for his personal interests is insane, I think, or very naïve, or hasn't thought about it clearly. It was in the best interests of the United States to have my dad killed, definitely. And, you know, that worked against them, to be honest, because once he died his powers grew. So, I mean, f*** them. They didn't get what they wanted.
[Ed.: In a parallel too striking to be dismissed as mere coincidence, a similarly skeptical Dexter King, son of the slain civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr., publicly stated his belief that James Earl Ray was not responsible for his father's assassination, either. Instead, Mr. King blames a conspiracy that includes Army intelligence, the CIA, the FBI, and the indispensable Lyndon Baines Johnson. Ray also alluded to a mysterious South American mastermind named "Raul," whom Ray indentified in a photograph but who turned out to be a New Yorker who had never been to Memphis, where King was murdered.]
Clinton made some of these apologies in Uganda, where during the 1970s
hundreds of thousands of its citizens were likewise killed under the
regime of Moscow-backed Idi Amin, followed by yet more deaths under
the lesser-known autocrat Milton Obote. Uganda was also never affected
in any significant way by the coastal slave trade with Europeans, and
the country's current president—the somewhat more benevolent dictator
Yoweri Museveni—dismissed Clinton's apology for the slave trade as
"rubbish." Museveni commented, "African chiefs were the ones waging
war on each other, and capturing their own people and selling them. If
anyone should apologize it should be the African chiefs. We still have
those traitors here today. And doubtless there remain pockets of
slavery in the world."
The New Yorker noted some other recent apologies of note: the Internal Revenue Service apologized for being insensitive to taxpayers; journalist David Brock apologized to President Clinton for his "Troopergate" article that led to Paula Jones's harassment charge; Japan apologized for its treatment of British prisoners of war during World War II; Great Britain apologized for seizing the assets of Holocaust victims during the war; the Vatican apologized for ignoring the Holocaust while it was happening; the producers of "Air Force One" apologized to Kazakhstan for being portrayed in the film as a fictional rogue nation; Newt Gingrich apologized, in book form, for his political misjudgments; Australia's government apologized to its once-oppressed aborigines; New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani apologized for the previous administration's handling of the race riot in Crown Heights in which Yankel Rosenbaum was murdered; a French newspaper apologized for its position on the Dreyfus Affair; and British Prime Minister Tony Blair apologized for the Irish potato famine, which took place almost 150 years prior. Concerning more recent matters, President Clinton is expected to apologize to Chile for first saying it could buy high-tech weapons, then saying it could not, then changing his position yet again.
[Ed.: While in Uganda, Clinton also promised to deliver $120 million to help provide Internet access for schools that, as it turns out, lack electricity.]
In Minnesota, Judge Kenneth J. Fitzpatrick instructed a jury that the
state did not even have to show that Medicaid expenses it was blaming
on the tobacco industry were actually caused by smoking. A statistician
had testified that the state's $1.8 billion damage estimate included
costs for treating hemorrhoids, schizophrenia, bone fractures, and
other conditions not commonly associated with tobacco use.
[Ed.: It is widely stated in advertisements and public service announcements that secondhand smoke kills 50,000 Americans each year. If, on the other hand, a firm were to claim similarly fraudulent benefits for that number of people on behalf of its product, it would be subject to truth-in-advertising laws.]
I really believe that there are huge forces arrayed against us. The forces of ignorance, lack of education and prejudice and hate and fear. The forces of darkness in general....How can we not win? We're smarter than they are....
I'll put my money on the smart people against the dummies. If the smarts can't beat the dumbs, we're really not that smart, are we?
[Ed.: Speaking to a meeting of the National Family Planning and Reproductive Health Association the following year, Turner criticized the Catholic church's opposition to population-control measures, saying the pope should "get with it. Welcome to the 20th century." Lifting his foot towards the audience, Turner joked: "Ever seen a Polish mine detector?" This prompted the Catholic League to petition Baseball Commissioner Bud Selig to suspend Turner, who owns the Atlanta Braves franchise, comparing Turner to Cincinnati Reds owner Marge Schott, who in 1993 was suspended from baseball for one year and fined $25,000 for making remarks disparaging blacks and Jews. At a meeting of CNN staffers on Ash Wednesday in 2001, Turner noticed a number of employees had ashes on their foreheads. "What are you," Turner asked, "a bunch of Jesus freaks? You ought to be working for Fox." Again the Catholic League protested, this time comparing Turner with Atlanta Braves pitcher John Rocker, who received widespread opprobrium and had to attend sensitivity training for making insensitive remarks against preferred groups.]

[Ed.: No wonder. A news story headlined "Girl Scouts of the '90s tout tomboy agenda" says that badges like "Housekeeper" are out, while ones like "My Self Esteem" (a badge with a large "No. 1") are in.]
Monica Lewinsky has become world famous, and I frankly do not care to have millions spent to find out what she has done that is acceptable or not acceptable.What Monica has done for women is prove you can be chubby and still be beautiful and desirable. We have all had to look at malnourished bodies and feel guilty if we had a good meal. Billions have been made by proclaiming a product fat free. Children and women have died of anorexia.
I'm for Monica and anything from a size 12 on up.
I love butter—it's good for you—and chocolates. Now we can enjoy.
—Jeannette D. Edwards
Berkeley police Capt. Bobby Miller said thieves generally use a tool to knock the meter head off or they saw it off. "Apparently people have figured out a way to get a tool to pry the heads off," Miller said. He added that if caught, a parking meter thief could face felony charges.
But it is exactly those charges that has upset L.A. Wood, a self-described Berkeley activist, whose son was arrested on Telegraph Avenue in June for attempting to steal the head of a meter. He said the parking meters present an easy target for juveniles who "do not know any better." "I think that one of the unfortunate legacies of Berkeley is the public meters' impact on Berkeley youth," Wood said. Wood suggested that juvenile meter thieves should receive citations when they are caught. "We shouldn't be traumatizing children," Wood said.
[City University of New York] schools must have more stringent admissions policies in order to turn out better-equipped students and return the system to its glory days, Baruch College President Matthew Goldstein said yesterday....Edith Everett, a CUNY board trustee, challenged Goldstein's proposal, noting that students now need to go to college to land many good jobs.
"And we say, 'Sorry, guys. We got standards so we're not going to take you,' " she said.
Do we need a leader who is as perfect as King David with the blessing of God?Remember, he was one of the greatest leaders in history. With many concubines and wives, he covets another man's wife, "knows" her, then sends her husband off to war to be killed. God is unhappy with him and slaps him on the wrist by taking his first born of Bathsheba but gives him a pat on the back by giving him a second son (Solomon), by Bathsheba.
Well, the worst President Clinton may have done is break two of the Ten Commandments. But King David without a doubt broke at least four (coveting, adultery, killing, and lying). By comparison, President Clinton looks pretty good.
[Ed.: The Paula Jones case was thrown out of court in April. Supporters of the President cheered the decision, noting that it would probably discourage other women from coming forward with their own harassment charges. The President's conservative critics denounced the decision using similar reasoning.]
Prior to the publication of his later book, ambivalently titled Truth Versus Lies, an interviewer for Time magazine said that the Unabomber was marked "by a satisfaction that the world, at long last, is treating him like a valuable human being." Kaczynski also penned a short story for a literary magazine in upstate New York, and accepted a request from a major university library that he donate his personal papers to its archive on anarchist literature.
It is very fitting that my letter comes to you on the eve of the penitential season of lent in my church, as I am offering an apology to you for my behavior, behavior for which I am truly sorry.Please let me explain what happened. On Wednesday, January 21st at a meeting of the Long-Range Planning Committee, Lucille Hawkins and I joined four other members in a small breakout group. As the discussion circle formed, I noticed that Lucille's chair was not aligned with the rest of the chairs. She seemed to be sitting in the center of the circle. In an attempt at humor I said, "Lucille, you are the monkey in the middle of the group!" I was alluding to "monkey in the middle," a schoolyard game we played as children growing up in Elmira, New York. Lucille aligned her chair with the others and we proceeded with our discussion agenda.
It was not until Monday, January 26th that I understood the significance of what I had done. President Perez called me into his office for an early morning meeting and confronted me with my words and how deeply they hurt Lucille. He then asked Lucille to join us. We engaged in a very frank exchange that helped me see that the remark that I made in an attempt at humor—one that I would have made to any one else in the group who was sitting where Lucille was—was so insensitive and hurtful.
Later that morning I wrote Lucille a letter of apology and sent copies to each member of our discussion group. In the month since the incident occurred, Lucille and I have had a number of in-depth discussions about the incident, the pain she has suffered because of me, my own pain at being labeled a racist, and how we can rebuild our relationship.
Lucille and I had a relationship of mutual trust and respect before the incident, and we have had a positive work relationship since the incident. I am pleased she continues to be a part of our staff.
I made a mistake—a big one. But I have learned from it. I know I must be more sensitive to the ethnicity and racial differences represented here and I will be. I am proud to be a part of such a diverse and culturally rich community.
And so to Lucille, and to anyone else who was offended or hurt by my comment, let me say again—I am very sorry for the pain I caused and I hope you can forgive me.
I believe that some good can come of all of this, in the form of a heightened awareness of the sensitivity we all should have to the feelings of others.
I am told, lent comes from the old English word for "springtime"—a time of new birth, new life and growth. I hope all of us at BMCC can welcome this spring with renewed mutual understanding and respect.