An Inclusive Litany


A letter from the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice, October 24, 1997:
Dr. David J. Garrow
Emory University Law School
Atlanta, GA 30322-2770

Dear Dr. Garrow:

This is in further response to your June 28, 1979 and March 9, 1980 Freedom of Information Act requests seeking access to and copies of specific microfilm housed in the John F. Kennedy Library. We apologize for the long delay in responding to you.

In partial response to your request, please find the enclosed documents of the Civil Rights Division dated January, 1961, through December, 1963 of Reel Six (6). We regret the poor quality of some of the copies printed from the microfilm, but these are the best copies available from our files.


Isabelle Katz Pinzler
Acting Assistant Attorney General
Civil Rights Division


Nelson D. Hermilla, Chief
Freedom of Information/Privacy Acts Branch
Civil Rights Division