[Ed. What follows is a breakdown of targeted numbers (by gender and ethnicity) for various departments and occupations at the university, including executives, senior managers, staff specialists, physicians and allied practitioners, architects, engineers, managers and supervisors (levels 1-2), analysts (levels 1-2), maintenance, health professionals, student services, craftspersons, nurses, entry-level professionals, police officers, health care technicians, scientists, research support staff, facilities maintenance supervisors, clerical supervisors, security and parking services, library assistants, administrative/clerical support (levels 1-4), store clerks, mailroom, and food services.]The tables below present, by job group, the number of female and ethnic minority career staff employees expected to be in the work force based on current availability proportions. The numbers of female employees expected and the numbers of minorities, by ethnic category, expected are derived by multiplying the total incumbent work force of each job group (see pages 12 and 13) by current availability proportions applicable to each job group (see page 16), and the resulting totals rounded up to a whole number at .5 or more. The number of total minority employees expected, by job group, is the sum of expected employees by ethnic minority category.
An Inclusive Litany
From the University of California at Berkeley's Human Resources web site: