In the Dec. 31 Op-Ed article offering resolutions for President Clinton ("Be Resolute, Mr. Clinton. Here's How."), Senator Bill Bradley raises the issue of making civil rights and racial harmony a priority, and idea whose time has certainly come. What administrations have done in the past to signal a commitment to a single crucial and fraught problem is to appoint a government overseer, or "czar": a drug czar to lead the war on drugs; and energy czar during the energy crisis. A new office if "race czar" would be responsible for assessing major government decisions for their impact on racial equality and harmony.
As one who worked passionately and effectively within the system while hewing to his morals and integrity, Mr. Bradley would be an excellent choice for the office after retiring from the Senate. He has the stature, experience, vision and commitment to healing racial fractiousness.
—Deborah Schupack
New York
An Inclusive Litany
Letter to the editor, the New York Times, January 8, 1997: