In Santa Cruz, California, street performer Cory McDonald, while
wearing a clown costume (complete with big red nose) in his role as
"Mr. Twister," was ticketed for "unauthorized deposit of coins"
after a metermaid spotted him slipping coins into a stranger's
meter. "I was just being nice to people," said McDonald, adding that
he wouldn't pay the $13 ticket and "no matter what they do to me, I'm
never going to stop." The clown got a lawyer, Ben Rice, to take his
case for free, on a "pro-Bozo" basis. They planned to fight the
citation and start a campaign to change the law, complete with "Free
Mr. Twister" postcards and bumper stickers requesting, "Mr. Twister
Feed My Meter." Facing adverse national publicity, City Manager
Richard Wilson asked the court to dismiss the infraction against
Mr. Twister, and also sought to repeal the law. "The intent of our
ordinance isn't to punish clowns," Wilson said.