- The inscription "In God We Trust" on coins and postage, or on the city seal of Zion, Illinois
- The words "under God" in the pledge of allegiance
- A city employees' Christmas pageant at the local zoo
- The singing of "Silent Night" in the classroom
- Christian anti-drug groups citing their belief in Jesus before public school students
- A commemorative Christmas postmark, offered by the community of Nazareth, Texas, with an inscription depicting a Nativity scene
- Government census questions concerning religious affiliations
- The building of a wooden platform by the city of Philadelphia for an address by Pope John Paul II
- Formal diplomatic relations with the Vatican
- Kosher inspectors working for the city of Miami Beach, Florida
- A nine-foot underwater statue of Jesus Christ placed three miles off the coast of Key Largo, Florida
- A custom in Milwaukee County whereby delinquent tenants could not be evicted during the two weeks around Christmas
A "Motorists Prayer" printed on the back of a state highway map in North Carolina
- The word "Christianity" in the town seal of Milledgeville, Georgia
- A plaque with the Ten Commandments in the courthouse in Cobb County, Georgia
- The opening of court session each morning with a prayer by a North Carolina state district judge
- Pre-game prayers by public school coaches
- The Pierce County, Washington, sheriff's use of volunteer chaplains to provide crisis intervention services
- Legislation that would criminalize damage to religious buildings and artifacts
- The right of two campus singing groups from Washington State University to perform in area churches
- Armed service prohibitions on wearing yarmulkes while in uniform
- Employment of chaplains in the armed services, prisons, or Congress
- The policy of Catholic schools or the Salvation Army not to hire homosexuals
- The right of the Christian Science Monitor to fire a lesbian
- Public expenditure for bus transportation for parochial students
- Access of private schools to publicly funded counselors
- All school voucher plans and tuition tax credits
- All blue law statutes
- Criminal sentences compelling drunk drivers to attend meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous