Every member of Los Solidos Nation will have a folder at Headquarters containing his photo, contact, address, phone number, position, age, etc. The photo is for identification purposes. The contract is required for your safety as well as the Family's. It gives us your 100 percent pledge to do your duties for the L.S.N. Any violation of this contract will result in termination, beat down, or even death, depending on the seriousness of the violation.A signed contract also means that the Family is obligated to provide money, clothes, backup, lawyers, bondsmen, and so forth in your times of need. A contract also means that you say nothing about the L.S.N. to anyone outside the Family. Doing so will be a Class A violation.
A van will pick up our scientists and take them to the main laboratory for the making of our products.
A. Upon entering the lab you will be required to sign in.
B. Each package will be composed, weighed, and stamped at the lab. Then the packages will be dropped off for the clockers [dealers].
C. Any lab worker can be subjected to a search at any time. Females will be searched by a head female and males will be searched by a head male.
D. Workers will be paid on a weekly scale. If overtime is necessary, a bonus will be paid.
E. There will be no phone calls and no half days at the lab. Full time only!
F. Security plays a vital role in our success, and we will not tolerate anyone speaking about our business or bragging to anyone outside the Family.
G. Absolutely no lab worker is to use the product being processed.
The collector's job consists of picking up all proceeds for all jobs nightly.A. There will be a time set nightly for the collector's arrival so that the proceeds will be ready.
B. Collectors will be held responsible for all money in their possession between pickup and arrival.
C. After the last pickup is made, the collectors must notify the accountant and wait for his arrival. He will count all the proceeds before they are locked away.
D. The accountant will notify Headquarters of the amount from each division and the total amount taken in.
After Hours is designed as a club-type area for people looking for a party-type atmosphere.A. Brothers and Sisters will be working as bartenders and waitresses. Enforcers will be present to keep peace within After Hours and to throw out those who can't control themselves.
B. Everyone entering After Hours must leave all weapons outside. People entering will be patted down for weapons.
C. Brothers will be posted outside to watch for the police and to keep the area calm.
D. A few brothers will also be assigned to After Hours to sell their product.
Roughly once a month there will be a gathering of all Solidos and their families. The gathering is held to strengthen Family ties and to give us a chance to meet Brothers and Sisters from across the state. It shall be a day for celebrating our love for one another. Cookouts, sports, games, and music will all be provided.A. Members of the L.S.N. are entitled to bring the whole family—mothers, sisters, aunts, cousins, and so forth—as long as they are not affiliated with any other Family.
B. We guarantee a safe environment for everyone who attends. We will provide the necessary security. No weapons will be tolerated at the gathering.
C. Transportation will be provided for those who need it.
As a Nation of Solid Brothers, our plans for the future are to have a chain of stores, have Brothers as lawyers, doctors, and politicians, and have our families be well-off. But we have to start slowly and climb this ladder of success and fortune gradually.Our main objective at this point is to expand our Family into the mainstream of society. Therefore it will be good for you to bring your cousins, uncles, brothers, and friends into the Family so we can secure the backbone of our empire. In the process, we will be cleaning up our communities by making them into one big Family and giving our children a safer environment to grow up in.
The family and friends you grew up with are now addicted to drugs. Don't turn your back on them. Look out for them, put them in rehab, and give them a reason to better themselves. Show them there is someone who cares for them and a family they can belong to if they straighten themselves out. The majority of young males in our communities today don't have any family. That's why they're out running around and acting all crazy and foolish. But if you give them an opportunity to be part of a family, they will always be grateful to you and look up to you. They will be the kind of Brothers who will always be loyal to you and to the Family.