So, dear friends, you now have a very dear friend as President of your great nation. This Bill Clinton is, indeed, very inspired and very inspiring. And his election indicates a major shift in your group mind—a major shift toward becoming your own authority figures and away from looking to paternalistic authority figures to take care of you.
Indeed, from day one there was no doubt of his election because this Clinton embodies the qualities which insure conscious creation of your own reality. First, his heart is open; he's willing to tell the truth of what he's feeling. Second, he's grateful for what he has and for the people in his life. Third, he's committed to what he wants and what he believes in. Fourth, he's certain of his connection to divine inspiration. And finally, he's a lot of fun...
Clinton's shortcomings? He may tend, at times, to move forward almost too quickly and too decisively (seeming to ignore normal body needs), and by doing so, to tax those about him or seem to leave them in the dust. Fortunately, this Clinton has surrounded himself with many very grounded souls, in touch with and unafraid to express their feelings. This core of grounded support provides a strong grip on the string of his balloon when his vision tends to get beyond the dictates of the present and of his helpers' mortal bodies...
Look forward to a president who sees your divinity and infinite creativity and stimulates you to use it. Look forward to fun and health. And look forward to an organically grown economy...
An Inclusive Litany
Body Mind & Spirit, January/February 1993: