Denise Ford of Animal Emancipation, Inc. of Ventura claimed, "the bull elephants were displaying autistic behavior. They were swaying back and forth very violently. That's a sign of psychological breakdown." She also claimed that the circus animals were denied water. She added that people should not get entertainment for animals, stating "Romans used to watch Christians being thrown to the lions for enjoyment."
Animal trainer Brad Jewell denied these charges, saying that positive
reinforcement techniques are used, with the animals being rewarded
with treats such as carrots, apples, and lettuce when they get their
tricks right.
Ernie Miller, an assistant manager for the circus, also denied the charges of cruelty, saying that the elephants' cages are big enough to be called "elephant condos." He added that it wouldn't make sense for the circus to mistreat these animals; denying them water would be ridiculous, and Miller asked, "why would we put a $75,000 animal in jeopardy? It would be like buying a brand new Mercedes Benz, taking it home, and putting sugar in the gas tank."
Referring to Ford's charges of autism, Miller pointed out that elephants sway back and forth because it's their nature to do so. He added that the circus is expected to generate $15,000 of charitable funds for the Carpinteria library and Girls Inc. He admitted he didn't mind the protesters since "businesswise, I can't complain. They've given us a lot of publicity."