An Inclusive Litany
Denise Ford of Animal Emancipation, Inc. of Ventura claimed, "the bull elephants were displaying autistic behavior. They were swaying back and forth very violently. That's a sign of psychological breakdown." She also claimed that the circus animals were denied water. She added that people should not get entertainment for animals, stating "Romans used to watch Christians being thrown to the lions for enjoyment."
Animal trainer Brad Jewell denied these charges, saying that positive
reinforcement techniques are used, with the animals being rewarded
with treats such as carrots, apples, and lettuce when they get their
tricks right.
Ernie Miller, an assistant manager for the circus, also denied the charges of cruelty, saying that the elephants' cages are big enough to be called "elephant condos." He added that it wouldn't make sense for the circus to mistreat these animals; denying them water would be ridiculous, and Miller asked, "why would we put a $75,000 animal in jeopardy? It would be like buying a brand new Mercedes Benz, taking it home, and putting sugar in the gas tank."
Referring to Ford's charges of autism, Miller pointed out that elephants sway back and forth because it's their nature to do so. He added that the circus is expected to generate $15,000 of charitable funds for the Carpinteria library and Girls Inc. He admitted he didn't mind the protesters since "businesswise, I can't complain. They've given us a lot of publicity."
As far as apprehension is concerned, we all have that feeling—that feeling of being violated. It is still true that this is the safest place in the world, that you have the best law enforcement people, the best fire service people, the best public employees, the best federal investigative unit in the whole world. All of them working together. You will have now a heightened security in every way that it can be heightened. You have on the state side—I assume this will happen with other governments as well—all state officials working harder to enforce codes, working more diligently at every security measure that you can take. All of that will be done.And so, what used to be the safest place in the world will be safer still...
[Ed.: Capt. Bill Buckner is no relation to the bowlegged Red Sox firstbaseman.]
A few years later, the city decided to tear down the armory and gave Botur the boot. He found a new site and opened outdoor courts, planning to add a three-story indoor tennis club. Community groups objected, and the city refused Botur a zoning variance. He had to move again.
Undaunted, he leased a field under a city bridge and built another
tennis club. But when Botur's seven-year lease was up, the city
called for competitive bids. Someone bid higher, so the city threw
Botur out.
Meanwhile, on a junk property leased from the city, he had built a fourth tennis club. Everything was fine until seven years later when he was bounced for an expressway extension. Fourteen years after that, there's no highway construction on the property.
Frustrated by the whims of bureaucrats, Botur bought seven debris-filled acres that he turned into 30 indoor and outdoor courts with clubhouse and art gallery. He has 900 members, employs 55 people and pays more than $1 million a year in taxes.
Botur's been there 19 years, but the bureaucrats are after him again. This time, the city and state have mapped plans to build $2.3 billion worth of apartment buildings, offices and a 350-room hotel—on and around Botur's tennis club.
As the New York government moves to acquire Fred Botur's hard-won enterprise, the Czech government is returning to him family property seized by communists after World War II.
If we could be one-hundredth as great as you and Hillary Rodham Clinton have been in the White House, we'd take it right now and walk away winners... Thank you very much and tell Mrs. Clinton we respect her and we're pulling for her.
Plague pointed out, "we also eat things, worse things, that are relatives of insects like lobsters and shrimp, which are also crustaceans like insects, but for some reason ... don't have that stigma." Nevertheless, Plague admitted that getting Americans to eat more insects would require a "sales job."
"King's bursts of eloquence, his balance between image and topic, particular and universal, reveals a mind and heart that are engaged by their topic," said Berthoff. She went on to point out that listeners and readers are provoked "to ask how come we all cannot work it out."
Berthoff urged her audience to focus on King's "interactive movement between personal and public" that should be encouraged in all students' writing. As proof of King's skills, she presented an excerpt from the speech that included: "You know, I mean we're all stuck here for a while. Let's, you know, let's try to work it out. Let's work it out."

In retrospect, the poor might simply have been a few years ahead of their time. They might have just been acting with the passions that would guide the coming decade of conspicuous consumption. Their 25-hour frenzy might only have been their own brief exercise of the principle that Greed is Good.


I am a white lesbian, forty-eight years old and I have a beard. Sort of a double goatee affair that grows on either side of my chin. I have had it for about sixteen years. When I first realized I was growing a beard, not just a few chin hairs, I was shocked. I identified strongly as a feminist, but was not ready for this test of my will and resolve not to appear at least moderately feminine in this world of strict masculine/feminine dichotomies. Besides, until the beard came, I did not realize what deep recesses of desire to be "pretty" in a traditionally feminine way I harbored. The beard, if I let it grow, would certainly end the possibility of a purely feminine appearance for me. It took me over a year to stop shaving it altogether. By then I had moved to liking it a lot and putting some effort into seeing to it that it appeared neat and not unkempt by, for instance, keeping crumbs out of it when I ate croissants.
- A 25-year-old secretary who described her vision as such: "Bill
leaned over and whispered discreetly in my ear that he wanted me to be
his mistress."
- A self-described "techno-hippie" who dreamed that Hillary "had
just undergone mouth surgery and she had bloodstains all over her
sequined pajamas.... Peter Jennings was there too, doing something
- A 30-year-old filmmaker envisioned the president as a dentist.
"He reaches his arms out towards me, and bends to place his lips near
mine.... I think how angry Hillary would be if she found out, and how
terrible I would feel—hurting her like that."
- One woman imagined the president giving her a neck massage. "Usually my dreams are more abstract," she said. "But my neck felt better."
The newest public university
in the United States,
California State University, San Marcos
announces a
Call for Papers and Performances
for a conference on
"Rage Across the Disciplines"
to be held at
CSU San Marcos on
June 11-12, 1993.Papers and performances
are welcomed in all disciplines in the
humanities and social sciences.
The topics of AIDS or gay rage,
women's rage, the rage of
ethnic minorities or working class rage
particularly are encouraged.
It just happened, slipped out—from deep inside of her—in a quiet but stunning way. It was April and her father was dying in the hospital and Hillary Rodham Clinton was standing at a lectern in Austin: "We need a new politics of meaning," she said. People wondered what to make of this at first. Maybe they still wonder what to make of it. But there in Texas, she finally revealed the biggest piece of herself yet, just said it: In the midst of redesigning America's health care system and replacing Madonna as our leading cult figure, the new First Lady has already begun working on her next project, far more metaphysical and uplifting.
"It's not going to be easy," she said.
"It's not going to be easy," she said, "redefining who we are as human beings in this postmodern age."...
She is both impersonal and poignant, with much more depth, intellect and spirituality than we are used to in a politician... She has goals, but they appear to be so huge and far off—grand and noble things twinkling in the distance—that it's hard to see what she sees.
...and this is Ms. Sherrill in the same publication, two days later:
Way in the future, when she's old and probably legendary, Hillary Clinton wants to be able to look back and feel she led "an integrated life," she says, sitting in her West Wing office last week. She wants to have felt unified, whole. She wants her emotional life and physical life, her spiritual life and political life all to fit together, in sync, an orchestra sitting down to play the same song.
Debbie, Diane, Janet. What do these women have in common?Answer: They all turned to doctors to help them die...
But why are there so many women on the list of patients who made medical history with their dying? Where are the examples of Tom, Dick, and Harry in the debate on assisted suicide?
The numbers are still too small to be statistically valid, but as JAMA editor George D. Lundberg points out: "There is a pattern that's beginning to emerge."...
The apparent gender gap in physician-assisted suicides can also be explained by the differences between men and women in the methods they choose to kill themselves. "Men's methods are active and physical," says JAMA editor Lundberg, a forensic pathologist. They commit suicide by gunshot, hanging or jumping off a bridge. They also kill themselves four times more frequently than women. "Women's methods are more passive," he says. They use drugs, which usually require a doctor's prescription.
But there could be other factors at work. The shortage of men on the list may reflect a more subtle and inherent form of sexism in medicine. Lundberg suggests that male patients may also ask physicians to help them die, but doctors are more comfortable writing about women who seek help because it fits the profession's stereotype of the weak, needy patient-female. Given the paternalism of the medical establishment, "men would be more likely to describe a woman requesting assistance than other men," says Lundberg.
Undoubtedly there have been Daves, Dicks and Johns, but it fits cultural stereotyping to publicize Debbie, Diane and Janet.
Remember, near the end of Casablanca, when Ingrid Bergman and her husband ask Humphrey Bogart to give them exit visas so they can escape to safety and keep working to defeat the Nazis?...Right now, according to recent polls, three quarters of Americans are Ingrid Bergman and her husband. We've all got our personal fights and fortunes to consider, but Bill Clinton, our Bogart, holds everybody's exit visas—his economic plan—which could free us from dictatorship of the deficit and possibly lead to a happy ending...
Maybe, just maybe, Clinton is everything he seems to be: a man disciplined and smart enough to have figured out what he thinks will work and strong enough to be able to take that plan to the people and admit that without their support, he'll fail. In other words, a man comfortable enough with his own power to share his power with the rest of us.
But is he powerful enough to overcome our cynicism? It will be tempting for us to adopt Russ [sic] Limbaugh's glibness, focusing on what's wrong with him and how we don't like the way his plan will touch our lives. Or we can take that leap of faith.
Remember how Casablanca ends? Bogart's power over Bergman and her husband ennobles him. He surprises everybody by deciding to send them off together. He even recommits himself to fighting the good fight. And why? Because as he says at the movie's end, otherwise, his life doesn't amount to a hill of beans.
Well, we're living in the '90s and not the '40s. Clinton is Bogart, minus the cigaret and trench coat. Times have changed, styles have changed. But only one man holds the exit visas. And unless we're willing to sacrifice, his presidency won't amount to a hill of beans.