Speaking about the Los Angeles riots, Ice-T said that "During the
riot, I rolled into the neighborhood... I was chilling out, signing
autographs. It was the most peaceful time I had ever been in
South-Central Los Angeles. Brothers were dancing. Music was playing.
It was a very great thing." Ice-T also expressed surprise that "Cop
Killer," which includes lyrics such as "die, die, die, pig, die,"
caused such a commotion. "I thought everybody hated the police," he
Ice-T went on to boast "I've got my thumb on the pulse of 50,000 killers" and that he has founded a group of gang members in Los Angeles called Hands Across Watts—"basic killers," he called them, "getting ready to move on the police."
[Ed.: When dissident shareholders of Time Warner sought to force the company to hold a discussion of its artist's rap songs, including a song about violent rape, Time Warner's management argued to the Securities and Exchange Commission, which governs what information must be provided to shareholders, that even though the violent-rape song itself was sold to the general public, the lyrics were "inappropriate" for distribution to shareholders.]