Dear Maria:This notice—given on the two-month anniversary of the date when you broke your promise to marry me, and six days prior to the date we were to be married—is provided to you in accordance with the provisions of the Illinois Breach of Promise Act. As required by that section, please be advised as follows:
- I asked for your hand in marriage, and you agreed to marry me, on November 2, 1991. I proposed to you, and you accepted my proposal, at the Pump Room in Chicago. At the time of our engagement, I placed upon your finger, and you accepted, a 1.06-carat diamond engagement ring.,
- The date for our marriage ceremony, set by you, was August 9, 1992.
- As a result of your breach of your promise to marry me, I have suffered significant actual damages, in excess of $40,000, relating to monies expended and financial accommodations made by me for your care, welfare, and happiness, in each case in reliance upon your promise of marriage. My expenditures and financial accommodations for you included, without limitation: (a) your living allowance; (b) medical and dental treatment; (c) vacations; (d) entertainment; (e) clothing; and (f) jewelry.
- I am still willing to marry you on the following conditions: (1) we proceed with our marriage within forty-five days of the date of this letter; (2) you confirm to me in a solemn oath (which will be private between us) that you have been since August 3, 1991, and will forever be, faithful to me; (3) you promise in a solemn oath (which will be private between us) that you will never lie to me again about anything; (4) you agree in a solemn oath (which will be private between us) that you will use your best efforts to resolve and reconcile all differences between you and my daughter, Althea (subject, of course, to her willingness to engage in a meaningful dialogue with you).
Please feel free to call me if you have any questions or would like to discuss any of the matters addressed herein.
Frank D. Zaffere III
An Inclusive Litany
- Gregory:
- I have a friend who recently had breast reconstruction
after having undergone a mastectomy for breast cancer. She was
upset because, for the time being, she was not allowed to get the
silicone implant and had to stick with the saline. As it turns out,
she is very pleased with the saline. But this gives rise to an
interesting point. Another friend pointed out that in politically
conservative, repressive times big breasts on women become very
popular and in liberal, freewheeling times small breasts become
- Chris Clark:
- What are we entering into now?
- Gregory:
- Well, clearly we are in a repressive age.
- Clark:
- So there are going to be larger breasts.
- Gregory:
- Yes, based on my friend's theory. For example, the Fifties were a very repressive age, and we had Marilyn Monroe, Jayne Mansfield. The Twenties were a very wild age, and small breasts were popular. You see, his theory is that in a repressive age people feel the need for nurturing. That's why big breasts become popular.
- Clark:
- Yes.
- Gregory:
- Now, my theory is that my friend is confusing cause and
effect. Rather than political thought determining breast size, it's
the other way around.
- Clark:
- You mean breast size determines political thought?
- Gregory:
- Yeah. Big breasts are popular, people look around, they
say, "Oh, there's lots of big breasts, they're very big, they're
scary, somebody might get their eye put out. I'm going to vote for
- Clark:
- Yes.
- Gregory:
- It's not that "political times are repressive, ergo we like big breasts" but that there are a lot of big breasts around, ergo we get scared and we get conservative. And, conversely, like in the Sixties you had people like Penelope Tree and Twiggy, and people looked around and said, "Oh, there's lots of small breasts around, it's okay, it's safe. I'm going to join a commune and take drugs."
The Teenager's Bill of Rights:
I Have the Right to Decide Whether to Have Sex and Who to Have it With.
I Have the Right to Use Protection When I Have Sex.
I Have the Right to Buy and Use Condoms.Condoms can be sexy! They come in different colors, sizes, flavors, and styles to be more fun for you and your partner. You can put them on together. Shop around till you find the type you like best. Be creative and safe... Guys can get used to the feel of condoms while masturbating.
SUCKING: A lot of guys still enjoy sucking and getting sucked. The biggest risk from sucking is getting cum in the mouth. The only way to be totally safe is to lick only the shaft or to use a condom.
TOYS (dildos, butt plugs, etc.) are fun. Don't share toys. Clean them with lots of soap and water after each use.
WATER SPORTS and scat are fine. Don't let anyone's p**s or s**t get inside your body.
When School District 24, in Middle Village, Queens, rejected the "Rainbow Curriculum," which contained similar materials, School Chancellor Joseph Fernandez unilaterally suspended the board and appointed three school bureaucrats as trustees to run the district and immediately implement the curriculum. Their job titles were: "Chief Executive for Monitoring and School Improvement," "Executive Director of the Division of Instruction and Professional Development," and "Deputy Executive Director of the Division of Funded Programs." Each made more than $100,000 a year.
In this striking study of the pre-Civil War literary imagination, Karen Sanchez-Eppler charts how bodily difference came to be recognized as a central problem for both political and literary expression. Her readings of sentimental antislavery fiction, slave narratives, and the lyric poetry of Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson demonstrate how these texts participated in producing a new model of personhood, one in which the racially distinct and physically constrained slave body converged with the sexually distinct and domestically circumscribed female body.Moving from the public domain of abolitionist politics to the privacy of lyric poetry, Sanchez-Eppler argues that attention to the physical body blurs the boundaries between public and private. Drawing analogies between black and female bodies, feminist-abolitionists use the public sphere of antislavery politics to write about sexual desires and anxieties they cannot voice directly.
Sanchez-Eppler warns against exaggerating the positive links between literature and politics, however....
To: All
From: Diane
Did anyone out there have problems with OCD while they were voting? I had a horrible time in the voting booth, obsessing over punching out the wrong name or voting the wrong way on a referendum. There was one measure that I felt very strongly about. I stared at that measure for what seemed like minutes before I punched the ballot. Then I punched it thirty-one times (I do everything in odd numbers). When I took the ballot out of the machine, I panicked, thinking I had punched the wrong thing, but I managed to drop it in the box and get in my car. As soon as I got in my car I panicked again and wondered how I could retrieve my ballot and check to see that I had punched the right place. Knowing that retrieving the ballot was impossible, I was able to go to work, but I continued to worry about it all day. Did anybody out there have similar problems on election day?To: Diane
From: Barbara
When I walked away after voting, I did momentarily think that maybe I had pulled the wrong levers, but then I was able to reassure myself that it was fine. I know what you mean about staring. I do that, too. This weekend I seem a bit better. I'm on Zoloft, 150 mg/day, and I think maybe it's starting to have an effect.To: Diane
From: Cindy
I had almost the same problem voting as you did. Except I almost didn't vote at all because I was convinced that I would punch the wrong holes in my ballot. I finally went in, got my ballot, and started punching holes, dozens of times! I obsessed for a short time after. Thank God it is over!
[Ed.: Such confused voters were to receive much wider attention eight years later.]
Williams went on to defend a new policy to regulate visual displays
in the facility, for which he would not disclose details, on the
grounds that the center in fact was not multicultural. "I never
said it was a multicultural center. What I said was, it is a black
culture center, but we embrace the cultures of other people."
Williams said the university could have made one multicultural
center from the very beginning, but it was too late to change it
now. "People need to realize that at some point in time, the
university made the decision to make a black cultural center for
whatever reason. It is somewhat unfair to say 'OK, now it is a
multi-cultural center.' "
The flag was later discovered to be missing from the center, and leaders of the American Indian Council filed a report with OSU Police. "I'm concerned just as well if something is taken from the center," said Larry Williamson, assistant director of the Hale Center. Williamson promised to assist the council in finding the flag and the person or persons who took it.
"A person who attends college generally earns more than a person who does not... With a college education, your child can earn higher pay." "To prepare for college, there is no substitute for your child getting a solid academic education. This means your child should take challenging courses in academic subjects and maintain good grades in high school."
Another section says "your child needs a quiet and comfortable
place to study." To make one you can:
- "Help him or her find a quiet place with some privacy."
- "Set up a desk or large table with good light and place reference books such as a dictionary on the desk or nearby."
- "Make sure your child studies there on a regular basis."
The booklets cost 50 cents each to produce and do "not qualify as a waste of government money," according to Maureen McLaughlin, acting assistant secretary for post-secondary education. The advice, she says, especially helps parents who lack college education.
[Ed.: Kipnis's editor, Christopher Harding, reminds us that the Green Man "persists in our popular culture" as "the Green Giant of frozen pea fame."]
When Mayor Stan Selmer called the Army Corps of Engineers and the Federal Emergency Management Agency to ask for help, he was told he would have to wait until the city actually got flooded before the federal agencies could intervene. "Well, we weren't going to just sit there and let the river flood us," says Selmer. The city decided to bulldoze a channel through a dry riverbed that would divert floodwaters into a nearby inlet. Selmer notified the Environmental Protection Agency, the corps and the Alaska departments of Environmental Conservation, Fish and Game and Natural Resources, telling them what the city was up to. He got no notice to cease and desist from any of the agencies.
However, in December, Selmer received a letter from EPA Field
Operations Chief C.D. Robinson saying that the city had violated
the Clean Water Act. According to the
Skagway News,
Robinson wrote that the city was mistaken in trying to protect itself
without the participation of the Corps of Engineers and that even in
an emergency the city should make reasonable efforts "to receive
comment from interested federal, state and local agencies."
"If I had time to do all that," says Selmer, "we'd all be underwater before anybody figured out we were in an emergency situation." Ironically, he notes, it is partly the EPA's fault that Skagway is in danger of flooding: In 1986 the EPA ordered a contractor to remove dikes that protected his property. In 1990, the river overflowed in the same spot where the dikes had been. Selmer is refusing to undo any of the work and plans to try to get the EPA to let him do more work to protect the city. "The amazing thing," he says, "is that the clean water the EPA is trying to protect is the same water that would wind up drowning the people in our community."
In response to a growing number of members concerned about environmental issues, we are offering all of our members a chance to write a new kind of prescription for JAMA and a healthier planet.You now have the opportunity to waive your membership subscription to JAMA for the sake of the environment. By reading a colleague's copy of JAMA, you can help reduce the amount of paper waste going into landfills—perhaps the most serious environmental issue facing our planet today.
We recognize that this option may not be for everyone; only members who have ready access to another copy of JAMA may want to exercise it. You should still read JAMA every week for up-to-date medical information you can use every day.
To write your own prescription for a healthier planet and voluntarily waive your JAMA subscription, detach and mail this postage-paid card today. The money allocated from your dues will be diverted to other important AMA programs such as the National Coalition of Physicians Against Family Violence and Health Youth 2000, to name two.
His instructor, teacher's assistant Debbie Meizlish, replied in her written comments: "This is ludicrous & inappropriate & OFFENSIVE... It completely violates the standard of non-sexist writing... Professor Rosenstone has encouraged me to interpret this comment as an example of sexual harassment and to take the appropriate formal steps. I have chosen not to do so in this instance. However, any future comments, in a paper, in a class or in any dealings [with me] will be interpreted as sexual harassment and formal steps will be taken... You are forewarned!"

An NEA spokesperson responded to Baitz's contribution, "We are delighted anytime someone in the private sector wants to support the arts."
A few days after the election, my friend Sue was reading a Curious George book to her Emma, her daughter who is almost 2. Near the end of the book, a little boy's balloon gets caught in a tree. "Who do you think can get the balloon down for that little boy?" Sue asked Emma."Bill Clinton," Emma answered. Expectations are getting higher all the time.
A lot of people will have to do a lot of explaining on AIDS one day. All of a sudden a disease appears out of nowhere that nobody has a cure for, and it's specifically targeted at gays and minorities. The mystery disease—yeah, about as mysterious as genocide.I'm concerned that AIDS is a government-engineered disease. They got one thing wrong, they never realized it couldn't just be contained to the groups it was intended to wipe out.
[Ed.: Where it reads 'religious cultists,' substitute the word 'legislators.']

"She had darker skin than I do," Wilkerson, who is black, was quoted by the Massachusetts Lawyer's Weekly as telling the group. She also said that she should have been tipped off by Ike's short hair and "yellowish skin," but she became convinced after seeing a 1968 edition of either Time or Life, which she claims was recalled from the newsstands, that showed Eisenhower's mother clearly was black. Officials at Time and Life aren't aware of any such occasion.
Archivist Dwight Strandberg from the Eisenhower presidential library in Abelene, Kansas, says that Wilkerson has her facts wrong. "As far as the records show, Ida Eisenhower was of Germanic descent, with a little Swiss thrown in." Strandberg also pointed out the source of the rumor: a group of segregationists attempting to inflict political damage on Eisenhower during the 1957 Little Rock school desegregation case.
Even in the face of the library's evidence, Wilkerson insists that her view is correct. "You don't think there is any such thing as black Germans?" she asked.
Postponement of Preliminary Determination: Certain Helical Spring Lock Washers From the People's Republic of China
AGENCY: Import Administration, International Trade Administration, Department of Commerce.
EFFECTIVE DATE: February 1, 1993.
William H. Crow II, Office of Antidumping Investigations, Import Administration, International Trade Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, 14th Street and Constitution Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20230; telephone (202) 482-0116.Postponement
Pursuant to section 733(c)(1)(B) of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended (the Act), and 19 CFR 353.15(b), we determine that this investigation is "extraordinarily complicated," because of the complexity of the issues surrounding respondent selection, market-oriented industry status, the possible use of separate rates for unique exporters, and the difficulties in obtaining publicly available published information for the purpose of establishing the foreign market values of the subject merchandise.
We are also required by the Act to affirmatively determine whether parties are cooperating. Regarding this issue, we have received questionnaire responses from Hangzhou Spring Washer Factory (Hangzhou), a major producer of the subject merchandise, and from the Embassy of the People's Republic of China, representing all producers/exporters other than Hangzhou.
For the reasons cited above, we determine that this investigation is extraordinarily complicated in accordance with section 733(c)(1)(B)(i)(II) of the Act, that additional time is necessary to make this preliminary determination and that, for the purposes of extending the preliminary determination, responding parties have cooperated. The statutory deadline for issuing the preliminary determination is no later than April 26, 1993.
This notice is published pursuant to section 733(c)(2) of the Act and 19 CFR 353.15(d).
Dated: January 26, 1993.
Joseph Spetrini,
Acting Assistant Secretary for Import Administration.
[FR Doc. 93-2294 Filed 1-29-93; 8:45 am]