HONORING TURKEY COMPANIONSPlease join us on Tuesday, November 26, at 4:30 P.M. for a Thanksgiving celebration in honor of our two turkey companions, Mila and Priscilla. Dinner will comprise a potluck of vegetarian dishes and several friends have been invited to share the feast. Our purpose in holding this holiday dinner is to draw attention to the friendly, companionable and affectionate nature of turkeys and to join with others throughout the country who have elected to adopt turkeys rather than eat them.
We adopted Mila and Priscilla in October 1990 from Farm Sanctuary, a non-profit group in Watkins Glen, New York that rescues abused farm animals and gives them permanent homes. Mila and Priscilla live happily with nine rescued chickens with whom they forage, dust bathe, and enjoy full run of our three-acre yard. Please join us for this special occasion.