Mendocino Beacon, September 19, 1991, in a piece by Tony
Miksak, owner of the Gallery Bookshop and Bookwinkle's:
Publishers have discovered that plastic "peanuts" are a quick and
cheap way to fill in the gaps around books before shipping... Some
mornings I stand on the Kasten Street sidewalk listening to the surf
and watching the odd peanut or two blow down the street toward the
Mendecino Bay. I wonder if a Brown Pelican, California Gull, Brandt's
Cormorant, Common Loon, Great Blue Heron, Coot, Surf Scoter, Black
Turnstone, Killdeer, Oystercatcher, Grebe, Phalarope, Sandpiper
Curlew, Godwit, Clapper Rail or Wandering Tattler may decide to try
one of those crusty plastic things for breakfast.