An Inclusive Litany

When Evans and another youth ran for the fence, Neal chased Evans and grabbed his foot as he prepared to jump from the top of the fence. Evans fell head first to the ground and was paralyzed by the fall. Evans's lawyer says Evans had escaped from Neal before, and that Evans "thought [Neal] would just let him go and catch him later... He had no idea he was in danger" when he climbed the fence.

After rejecting Karen Finley for a grant the same month, the NEA gave grants to several theaters with the knowledge that she would perform there with NEA funds. Finley's performances feature her smearing her bare chest with chocolate syrup and alfalfa sprouts (representing sperm) to express "rage against sexual violence and women's objectification."
Tim Miller and Holly Hughes, two other performance artists, sued the NEA for denying them grants, claiming their First Amendment rights to free expression were violated. A solo performance by Hughes, "World Without End," included the artist's putting her hand up her vagina to show how her mother imparted the "secret meaning of life." The NEA gave Hughes a $15,500 playwriting fellowship to finish writing the very play that it refused her a grant to perform.
[Ed.: Comins also noted that "To use the word [rape] carefully would be to be careful for the sake of the violator, and the survivors don't care a hoot about him."]

Publishers have discovered that plastic "peanuts" are a quick and cheap way to fill in the gaps around books before shipping... Some mornings I stand on the Kasten Street sidewalk listening to the surf and watching the odd peanut or two blow down the street toward the Mendecino Bay. I wonder if a Brown Pelican, California Gull, Brandt's Cormorant, Common Loon, Great Blue Heron, Coot, Surf Scoter, Black Turnstone, Killdeer, Oystercatcher, Grebe, Phalarope, Sandpiper Curlew, Godwit, Clapper Rail or Wandering Tattler may decide to try one of those crusty plastic things for breakfast.
"Bikes for 2: Romantic, Now Rugged" (Business Day, Sept. 7) reports that the bicycle built for two is coming back into style. Then you state:"Tandems, as they are known by the cycling savvy, never really went away. But the last few years have seen a spurt of growth, thanks in large part to family-oriented fitness enthusiasts, graying baby boomers and some new technology borrowed from mountain bikes."
You could have mentioned that nowhere is male chauvinism more arrogant, or female subservience more pitiful, than on the tandem bike.
Common sense would dictate that the shorter person sit up front and the taller person in back, where he or she could look over the driver's shoulder. That is not what happens.
The male, who is almost always the taller, sits up front at the controls. In their expedition into the great outdoors the man's share is the great outdoors and the woman's share is 12 square inches of the noble man's back.
—Daniel Farber
Worcester, Massachusetts
[Ed.: I asked a bike store owner about this, and he said that, due to the design of the tandem bike, it always makes for an easier ride when the "stronger" person sits up front.]