An Inclusive Litany
An applicant who is homeless may use a descriptive address of the location where he/she actually resides, e.g., "under the west end of the Burnside Bridge." The applicant must present a written statement from a social service agency verifying the descriptive address. The applicant must also provide a mailing address.

Prior to September 11, the term was used far more extensively. Newsweek's Eleanor Clift warned of the "Taliban wing... who are willing to sit in a cold firehouse all weekend to make sure they get their person on the school board." The Boston Globe's David Warsh used the label to apply to most of the GOP's social conservatives as well as its economic libertarians. Along the same lines, Dana Milbank in the New Republic warned of "Jihad Republicans" in Congress who would lead the country toward "military theocracy."
And in a speech to the NAACP's annual convention soon after President Bush took office, chairman Julian Bond said: "Instead of uniting us, the new administration almost daily separates and divides. They selected nominees from the Taliban wing of American politics, appeased the wretched appetites of the extreme right wing and chose Cabinet officials whose devotion to the Confederacy is nearly canine in its uncritical affection."
It is now clear in a way that it never was before that the world of the early twenty-first century is far from stable. At a time when we are still adding a billion people to the human population every 15 years, many societies are struggling with the difficult transition from traditional rural societies to modern, urban, middle-class ones. In many of these societies, basic human needs for food, water, health care, and education are not being met, with over a billion people living on less than a dollar a day. Moreover, the lack of democratic political representation and the concentration of economic and political power in a few hands has created a fundamental instability in many nations—an instability that echoes around the world in the form of large-scale human migration, illegal drug exports, and, increasingly, terrorism. If the lofty social and ecological goals of the Rio Earth Summit had been achieved, it is possible that the crisis of the last year would not have occurred.
[Ed.: The 19th edition of this report, marked by the departure of Institute founder Lester Brown, is the first not to predict imminent global famine. The Institute still advocates many other questionable policy prescriptions such as promotion of organic agriculture, which is about two-thirds as productive as modern agriculture (thus requiring the conversion of 50 percent more land to grow crops on), entails far more soil erosion due to the proscription against using genetic strains that allow "no-till" farming, and would require six times more organic fertilizer (animal manure) than is currently available.]
[Ed.: Since we have traveled full circle, note that the term "people of color" is inferior to the otherwise unacceptable term "colored people" since it subordinates "people" to their "color" rather than the other way around.]
Rep. Capps Secures Funding for San Luis Obispo County Tattoo Removal ProgramWashington, D.C.—Congresswoman Lois Capps today announced that she secured $50,000 for the Liberty Tattoo Removal Program of San Luis Obispo County in the final Justice Department Appropriations bill. Capps requested the funding in an April letter to the Subcommittee's Chairman.
"People with tattoos often find themselves being unfairly stereotyped in a way that makes it difficult to find employment or be promoted to higher, better paying positions. The Liberty Tattoo Program works with people in our community to help erase this social stigma. I'm proud to work with this excellent local program to expand the services it can provide with the help of federal funds," said Rep. Capps.
The funding will be used to hire a full-time program coordinator and for education to deter students from getting tattoos. The Economic Opportunity Commission runs the program with support from the San Luis Obispo County Sheriff's Office and Probation Department, the San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors, Sierra Vista Hospital, General Hospital, Santa Lucia Bank, the Rotary Club of Nipomo and others. In order to be eligible, a person's tattoo must be gang-related or anti-social and prevent someone from finding employment or otherwise interfere with the person's daily life. In addition, participants must agree not to get any additional tattoos and must complete a minimum of 16 hours of public service.
'San Luis Obispo County appreciates the efforts of Representative Lois Capps to secure funding for EOC Health Services' Liberty Tattoo Removal Program. People with visible, inappropriate tattoos often encounter negative attitudes, stereotyping and discrimination, resulting in unemployment, underemployment or the inability to move forward in their careers. This program supports people who are trying to make a change in their lives by removing these negative marks of distinction, as well as the physical and psychological barriers they create," said Economic Opportunity Commission of San Luis Obispo County Executive Director Elizabeth "Biz" Steinberg after hearing about the funding.
The program was modeled after and mentored by the Liberty Tattoo Removal Program of Santa Barbara.

And in Florida, a Muslim woman sued the state for suspending her driver's license after she refused to remove her full-face veil for her photograph. Prior to the September 11 attacks, Florida had allowed the woman a driver's license photo that showed only her eyes, even though state law requires a "full-face photograph." But civil rights lawyer Howard Marks said the law is vague. He cited another presumably less vague Florida law stating that the "government shall not substantially burden a person's exercise of religion." CAIR is championing the cause of another Muslim woman in Florida who also doesn't want her face on her license.
[Ed.: In a letter to the Boston Globe, An orthodox Jewish man wrote that when going through airport security, his wife simply asks to be examined in a private room by a female security officer, a commonsense request airlines have had no problem accommodating. As for the Florida woman, may I suggest another simple alternative? Since there's also a Muslim law requiring women to be accompanied in public by male family members, why doesn't he drive? At least he'll have more than a slit of fabric through which to see the road! And in a somewhat related matter, a University of Manitoba political science professor fought a $40 traffic ticket by questioning the very constitutionality of stop signs, claiming they are "vague."]
Aaron Brown: Some conservatives jumped on [Taliban fighter John] Walker, saying he is a product of cultural liberalism—the California kind—helping to turn an impressionable kid against his own country. Joining us from Salinas, California, one of those conservatives, Shelby Steele of the Hoover Institution. Mr. Steele wrote a provocative article the other day in the Wall Street Journal. And here in New York, a columnist who thinks Mr. Steele is making an awfully broad generalization: Richard Cohen of the Washington Post. It's nice to have both of you here. Mr. Steele.
Shelby Steele: First of all, let me interrupt you just a minute. Is Richard Cohen a liberal?
Brown: Yeah, Richard Cohen's a liberal. I think he would say that, wouldn't he?
Richard Cohen: On this issue.
Brown: Okay. Everyone is now branded, I guess.
Steele: Great. If I'm going to be, everybody's going to be.
Bush continues to exhibit the same lack of curiosity, thoughtfulness, and engagement with ideas that made him a C student. Nuance, complexity, subtlety, and contradiction are not part of the mental universe he inhabits. And curiously enough, it is these very qualities of mind—or lack thereof—that seem to be making him such a good war president.
[Ed.: Little-known fact: Al Gore was also a C student.]
Harvard Professor John Stilgoe, whose specialty is visual and environmental studies, believes the current war on terror will intensify the desire for home ownership."Owning the real estate is going to become much more important," he says, "but the kind of real estate may be different." Instead of high-priced urban properties, he says, places off the beaten track are going to become increasingly attractive.
Why? He predicts that if there's another major terrorist attack in a metropolitan area, residents will no longer value urban real estate in the same way. "People are going to want to move out of the big cities and nest in a community where they feel safe," Stilgoe adds. "Then urban real estate values are going to collapse, and a lot of very rich people are going to lose their riches."
Stilgoe thinks that not only has such a scenario occurred to the powers that be, but the possibility has actually influenced our current foreign policy.
"The federal government was badly shocked after Sept. 11," he told me. "The elites thought they had to get the American people focused on something else. And so we're bombing the hell out of Afghanistan. I'm sorry to say this, but I think that's what this whole war on terrorism is all about: It's about maintaining urban property values. It is necessary to do whatever they can to keep people willing to pay exorbitant prices for a small apartment in Manhattan or San Francisco or Los Angeles."