An Inclusive Litany

Detailed instructions follow on how to glue locks, disable vehicles, clog toilets, and commit arson. "As dangerous as arson is, it is also by far the most potent weapon of direct action," says the piece. "A simple way to burn a vehicle is to place a sheet or blanket on top or underneath and soak it in flammable liquid.... If not using a time-delay device, try to light it from as far away as possible by lighting the end of a rolled up newspaper, flare, or other torch-like object." The piece also included the names, home phone numbers, and home addresses of some research professors, with the suggestion to "tell them how you feel about the 'research' they do."
[T]here's nothing in Eve Ensler's one-woman show that would even remotely offend men. Surprise them, perhaps. Amuse them, for sure. Teach them something huge and unforgettable—well, it's hard to imagine anyone, male or female, who didn't walk out of the theater feeling a little smarter and a lot bolder.Take, for instance, Ensler's paean to a certain crude slang for female genitalia. Equal parts avant-garde art and stand-up comedy, the performance inspired a cross-gender, cross-generational chant to reclaim the word. It won't soon be forgotten.
"The woman on the other side of me was, like, my grandmother's age, and she was screaming," enthused 30-year-old Peter Parisi of Milton. "I loved that part!"
As it turns out, the experience was a positive one, almost across the board, for the testosterone set, and often in ways they never imagined.
"I expected to be a voyeur," said 39-year-old Derek Younger of Boston, who attended by himself. "I expected to be a fly on the wall that maybe shouldn't be there. But I got inside, and it turned out to one of the most fun, fascinating, multifaceted things I've seen in a long time. It helps you understand women, but it makes you think more about you, too. It's a really important lesson, that you have to understand your body." ...
Only a couple of brave souls confessed to feeling embarrassed.
Jonathan Williams, 29, of Somerville, had no idea what he was about to see before he and his girlfriend walked in. "It was embarrassing, but in a good way," he said. "You know, the kind of embarrassment you know you ought to get over eventually. The stuff about the clitoris was really interesting."
Mark Disler of Melrose, who's 32, found the language a bit shocking, but enlightening. "I learned, I don't know... different ways of... explaining... the organ, I guess. The different... yeah. I understand women a little bit better now." ...
Awareness comes in many forms, as Ensler would surely agree, and sometimes when you least expect it. Parisi—who attended with six female friends—found the show fascinating but says he learned the most from the reaction of the women around him.
"I realized that this is something we really don't talk about a lot. And that I guess it was important for this to happen," he said.
Little did Parisi know that he had another lesson coming—one he recounted with the gleaming countenance of one who has just solved a great mystery. "At one point, I got up to go to the bathroom and was told that the men's room had been turned into a women's room," he said. "I had to wait in a long line for a single stall. And I thought 'Oh, god! This is what being a woman is like!' "
Letter to the editor, April 8:
When I opened the Globe on March 24, I was at first thrilled to see an article about Eve Ensler's "The Vagina Monologues." But within minutes I was raging....Here's an unrelated letter from the same day:Why did the Globe feel it must report that this theater event is not male-bashing? Why must we, especially women, always have to make sure that men are comfortable—usually at the expense of our own experience and needs?
Why are women so hungry for what the performance inspires—a celebration of sisterhood? Why is women's empowerment so threatening to men that the Globe can print an article about the male experience?
Is it because the publisher and editor and owners are all men? ...
In a world where the penis is the destroyer/weapon and the vagina the creator/lifeforce, was this performance the first or only opportunity for those "men who dared" to imagine a life honoring women and embracing the concepts of feminism?
—Kirsten A. Martin Cambridge
In the absence of any meaningful statement from my own government, I would like to sincerely and personally apologize to the people of China for my country's latest aggression and ineptitude.In addition, under the Nuremberg principles, which make a citizen responsible for the acts of his or her nation, I would like to apologize on behalf of the 24 crew members of the American EP-3 spy plane responsible for killing the pilot of your aircraft; on behalf of President Bush, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the secretaries of Defense and State, and every other architect of US military arrogance; and finally, on behalf of each and every American citizen who is unable or unwilling to take responsibility for American mischief in the world.
—Wesley Blixt South Deerfield

For six years after the onset of her mental problems, the hospital offered her a flexible schedule that allowed her to start work any time of the day, but she was finally fired five months after she was diagnosed with obsessive compulsive disorder. She sued the hospital in 1996, alleging they violated her rights under the Americans with Disabilities Act. In February, an appeals court overruled a federal judge who issued a judgement in favor of the hospital.

Men's groups also advocate universal, regular prostate cancer screening for men over 50, even though there is vigorous disagreement among medical authorities over its supposed benefits. A similar controversy erupted in 1997, when, following a severe browbeating from the Senate, the NIH reversed its position that annual mammograms should not be recommended for all women in their 40s. A panel determined that the risk of a false positive diagnosis and unnecessary surgery most likely outweighed the benefits of mammography for women at that age.

Prior to the vote, a staffer for the House Democratic leadership wrote a scathing analysis of the song that labeled it "sexist, racist and religiously unacceptable." The Legislative Council suggested numerous changes to the lyrics, including replacing "red man" with "Native American," and "cowboys" with "cow people." A House committee did not accept any of the proposed changes.
After the bill passed the State Senate, which had also recently debated a bill urging a Governor's pardon for Billy the Kid, a senator rose to suggest adoption of an official New Mexico State Senate Song, then began singing Freddy Fender's classic, "Wasted Days and Wasted Nights."
[Ed.: Oregon elementary school children have similarly been enlisted in an effort to rewrite that state's anthem, which refers to "empire-building" and the defeat of Native Americans by "free men."]
After fleeing a violent husband, Bekki Ow-Cuevas was surprised to discover that her lesbian partner would also assault her. "There was a piece of me that really wanted to believe that women are safe people," she said. A partner of a diabetic woman forced her to eat sugar, and a pair of disabled lesbians report their partners got a kick out of taking them to isolated wooded areas and leaving them there without their wheelchairs.
Part of the problem, apparently, is that police don't know what to do when they're called on to intervene in cases of same-sex domestic violence. According to the Times, "stereotypes of meek, overpowered women and rampaging, abusive men are of little help to officers responding to a battle between two men or two women. Often, the abuser is the smaller gay man, or the more feminine lesbian." "Unfortunately, we're still twenty-five years behind the battered women's movement," said Susan Holt of the Los Angeles Gay and Lesbian Center, "but at least we've gotten started."
Several junior high school students in Pequot Lakes, Minnesota were disciplined for their habit of hugging each other. "We don't have a hugging epidemic because we've clamped down on that," said Chuck Arns, Pequot Lakes middle level principal. "We as a staff decided it was an unnecessary behavior. It has a tendency to change the atmosphere in school."
And in Annapolis, Maryland, an elementary school principal outlawed the game of tag because it violates the school's anti-violence and "no touching" policies. Students may still play tag during physical education, if their teacher chooses to lead a group game, but it is no longer allowed during recess.
Another book,
The Gay Canon: Great Books Every Gay Man Should Read,
edited by the award-winning author Robert Drake, includes an excerpt
from Matthew Stadler's
The Dissolution of Nicholas Dee,
which Drake calls "an operatic adventure into the realms of love,
personality, ambition and art... a pure joy to read." The
protagonist is "a pedophile's dream: the mind of a man in the body of
a boy." Another excerpted book,
The Carnivorous Lamb
by Agustin Gomez-Arcos, features an incestuous relationship between a
boy and his older brother. Drake calls it "the best, most complex yet
satisfying novel of filial love ever written." Drake also excerpts
William Burroughs's reliably nightmarish
The Wild Boys: A Book of the Dead,
which he says "tears straight to the heart of one of the greatest
sources, community-wide, of 1990s gay angst: What to do with men who
love boys?" Drake also criticizes mainstream gays who, in shunning
pedophiles, seek widespread social acceptance: "Even as the homo
culture of this fin de siècle seeks to puritanically
clamp down on boy-love advocates, it riddles itself with a fixation on
lithe, boyish sexuality and smooth-chested youthful
attractiveness—and the perpetration of same as the physical and
erotic ideal apparent in clubs, online profiles, porn films and
mainstream advertisements. It is nothing more than blatant
Yale University Press published a book called A History of Gay Literature: The Male Tradition by Gregory Woods, who is described as "the foremost gay poet working in Britain today." A long chapter on "Boys and Boyhood" offers a seemingly definitive account of pro-pedophilia literary works, without a whiff of judgementalism. Ignoring the fate of the child, the only moral ambiguity Woods contemplates is the role of the man: "By playing with boys, the man remains boyish. Whether you regard this as a way of retreating from life or, on the contrary, as a way of engaging with it at its most honest and least corrupted level, depends on which writer you consult at any given time."
And, in an introduction to the Penguin Book of International Gay Writing, David Leavett, one of the best known of contemporary gay authors, discusses "another 'forbidden' topic from which European writers seem less likely to shrink... the love of older men for young boys." Leavett calls attention to one of the excerpted works, When Jonathan Died by Tony Duvert. "The coolly assured narrative," writes Leavett, "compels the reader to imagine the world from a perspective he might ordinarily condemn." Duvert "offers us a homosexual Lolita—one in which the child is seducer as much as seduced." The book's plot revolves around a man and boy who are living together in Italy. The excerpted scene is sexually graphic, and the age of the child is "hardly seven."
In a positive review of Midas Dekkers's
Dearest Pet: On Bestiality,
Singer writes that the human taboo on bestiality stems from strong
genital similarities with animals, leading to "our desire to
differentiate ourselves, erotically and in every other way, from
animals." "Who has not," he writes, "been at a social occasion
disrupted by the household dog gripping the legs of a visitor and
vigorously rubbing its penis against them? The host usually
discourages such activities, but in private not everyone objects to
being used by her or his dog in this way, and occasionally mutually
satisfying activities may develop."
[Ed.: Amazon customers who bought Dearest Pet also bought Biological Exuberance: Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity and Deviant Desires: Incredibly Strange Sex.]