An Inclusive Litany
Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt... said he is proud that the administration, through regulations, has accomplished many of the goals blocked by Congress.... "Here we are, having achieved 80 percent of what was sought in legislation, by administrative rule," said Babbitt....The New York Times, January 21, 2001:
Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt... declined to criticize [secretary-designate Gale] Norton, but did denounce an idea Norton and [Rep. Jim] Hansen have supported: compensating property owners when environmental regulations stop them from developing their land.
"The radical property rights crowd are anarchists at heart, and I don't believe the American people will buy into that," Babbitt said.
"I have no doubt that [Gale] Norton is a very decent and capable person," said Senator Jeff Bingaman, the New Mexico Democrat acting as the committee's chairman. "But... [f]or over 20 years, she has consistently championed the interests of the individual over the public [and] the states over the federal government."
The book depicts a man's slavish relationship with a woman ("Wanda")
who whips him while wearing a fur jacket, ultimately allowing her
lover ("the Greek") to whip him as well. According to Ellis Hanson,
associate English professor at Cornell University,
the latter scene means it can "be read as a gay novel about men who
use women to seduce men." Also, the main character dreams early on of
a statue of Venus, which is transformed into the image of the hands of
his Cossack servant shaking him awake, which Hanson says reinforces the
female-to-male erotic transition.
But Sabine Wilke, a German scholar at the University of Washington, suggests the book is really about male dominance over women. Although the masochist is a man, that doesn't mean his female tormenter is really enjoying herself. According to Wilke, "The functioning of the male masochist pleasure in this story rests upon the suspension of the woman's desire." Wilke contrasts Sacher-Masoch's story with those of his real-life wife, who named herself Wanda after his character and administered punishment to him before writing stories of her own. Her stories "seek the fulfillment of their own sexual desires and will not let the masochistic male paint them into a corner." One of Wanda's stories, she said, features "a beautiful aristocratic widow who buys beautiful male slaves, uses them for sexual gratification until she becomes tired of them and then kills them."
The authors argue that not only is there no evidence homework helps children learn, it also contributes to the disruption of family life, the thwarting of child development, low self-esteem, suicide, high drop-out rates, economic exploitation, racism, and the destruction of democracy and of the world's economy.Every night Helene dreads coming home to a familiar scene. Her fourth grader sits surrounded by a mess of papers at the kitchen counter, grumpy or weepy, unable to complete her homework and making everyone else share her misery.
Matt is struggling with his math.... In tears Matt throws his math book across the dining room and retreats to the TV.... Both parents occasionally call down to Matt to turn off the TV, but they are more concerned this evening with helping Jesse get his homework right. Finally, giving up in exhaustion, the family goes to bed.
Shortly after the book appeared, the New York Times reported, the school board of Piscataway, New Jersey, voted unanimously to restrict homework on weeknights to half an hour in elementary school and two hours in high school. Homework can no longer be graded or used as punishment, and is discouraged on weekends.
In a later issue, Kingsolver wrote: "We now have a new administration that's hostile to the things I love most: human kindness, the dignity of diversity, and the wild glory of life on earth." She warns: "Civil rights and reproductive choice I suppose we could win back in time (though not the lives lost along the way), but the waters and wild lands devastated will never come back."
A separate proposal would compel Britain's armed services to accept disabled recruits for front-line positions.
[Ed.: Spring brought news that the British military paid for "no more than five" soldiers' sex reassignment surgery, and also paid for servicewomens' breast enlargements.]
Examining the dialectics of decency and indecency and exploring a theology of sexual stories from the margins is the focus of Indecent Theology. For the first time, liberation theology, queer theory, post-Marxism, and postcolonial analysis are brought together in an explosive mixture. This is an out of the closet style of doing theology and shows how we can reflect on the Virgin Mary and on Christology through sexual stories taken from fetishism, leather lifestyles, and transvestism. It is based on the sexual experiences of the poor, using economic and political analysis while unveiling the sexual ideology of systematic theology.
"We call on the government of India and the state government of
Orissa to immediately withdraw the corn-soya blend from
distribution," said Vandana Shiva, director of the New Delhi-based
Research Foundation for Science, Technology, and Ecology.
"The U.S. has been using the Orissa victims as guinea pigs for GM
[genetically modified] products which have been rejected by consumers
in the North, especially Europe." A test of the corn and soy
varieties revealed that they had been genetically modified.
Per Pinstrup-Andersen, director general of the International Food Policy Research Institute, angrily responded that "the U.S. doesn't need to use Indians as guinea pigs, since millions of Americans have been eating genetically modified food for years now with no ill effects."
Shiva's organization also opposes "golden rice," a genetically modified strain of rice that may be able to prevent blindness in up to 3 million poor children a year and alleviate vitamin A deficiency in 250 million people in the developing world.
One of the authors, Nyquist, is a nongay white biologically male law teacher. Ruiz is a heteroqueer evolved male (the now-antiquated term is "transsexual") Hispanic law student. Smith is a gay white biologically male law student. Both Ruiz and Smith are active in the Les-Bi-Gay-Trans Caucus at the New England School of Law and have been involved in LBGT issues for many years.

Ruiz prefers the term "evolved male" to "transsexual" as a description of his gender. He is a biological female who is in the process of aligning his body with his male gender identity. "Heteroqueer" refers to Ruiz' sexual orientation; "heterosexual" is too simple a term for his situation. "Hetero" refers to Ruiz' attraction to women and "queer" to his evolved male status....and more from footnote #22:
For example, when Ruiz first arrived at the school, Nyquist and Smith identified him as a lesbian. In our initial planning session for the class, Ruiz corrected us: "A lesbian is a biological woman who identifies herself as a woman and is sexually attracted to women. Although I have a woman's body and am attracted to women, I identify my gender as male.... The term I prefer, 'evolved male,' implies not only a physical transition, but also a personal journey, psychological growth, and a physical emergence. The term also serves to distinguish evolved males from biological males."
Words and Phrases that Offend Students
(Because of limited space, it is not feasible to list all of the phrases that offend minority students. Most of the ones listed here have been found to offend Black students, but they may be just as offensive to all minorities.
An instructor to his class: "With the influx of wetbacks, the welfare rolls will increase."
"You are a good employee, for a minority person."
A white instructor to a Black student: "I don't understand what you people want."
Referring to a Black man: "You know the boy I mean."
A white instructor about Puerto Rican students: "Why should I teach them? They'll never learn."
A white instructor to a Black graduate assistant: "You're different from most Blacks I know."
To a minority student: "A 'C' is a good grade for you. Of all the Black students in the class, you made the highest grade."
A white instructor to a history class: "Slavery was not that bad for Blacks; it was better than unemployment."
"This is a good salary for a female."
A financial-aid officer to a minority student: "You don't look like you need financial aid."
An instructor to a Black student: "Are you sure you wrote this paper? It is well put together for a black student."
Instructor to a minority student: "That's the trouble with you people; you think we owe you something."
A white instructor to an American Indian student: "I think your people have made great progress."
To a work-study student: "Do you like this better than housework?"
Words and Phrases You Should Never Use with Minority Students (you should be equally careful of their use at any time):
[Words/Phrases—Groups Offensive To]
you people—All
spicks—Puerto Ricans
wetbacks—Mexican Americans
half-breeds—American Indians
chiefs—American Indians
greasers—Mexican Americans
Japs—Japanese Americans
chinks—Chinese Americans
boat people—Laotians, VietnameseNote—Not all minority students are affected by these items and actions in the same ways and to the same degree. There are many minority students who have strong role models at home and positive self-concepts.