An Inclusive Litany
Maurice Meisner declared in the Los Angeles Times that "opportunistic American politicians now portray American Chinese in stereotypical fashion. The increasingly dominant images are of 19th century vintage: Chinese are crafty, deceitful, villainous and half-crazed automatons manipulated by evil rulers. It has become ever more difficult for Americans to see Chinese as fellow humans." Neither supplied evidence of bigoted reprisals against Chinese-Americans. Perhaps the closest thing came when Sen. Richard Shelby (R-AL) described the spies as "crafty," which of course is what they are supposed to be.

Following these notable comments, Gore's senior advisor Elaine Kamarck told the Boston Globe that they were the opening shot in a campaign to "take God back" for the Democrats in Election 2000.

This spring the lake has finally shown a healthy upswing, but so, apparently, have pikes, and embarrassed state officials are not sure what to do about it. "What we're trying to do is to establish whether we have a self-sustaining population of pike. If we do, then we're going to have to sit down with the community and discuss what to do," said a spokesman for Fish and Game. But nobody is biting. "It's ridiculous," one local businessman told the Associated Press. "We've all suffered. My business went down to nothing. There have been pike all over the Midwest, all over the country. They are good game fish. Why not just go catch 'em?"
A 10-year-old girl was suspended from her elementary school for having a toy gun on her keychain. The third-grader was only the latest victim of a strict zero-tolerance policy forbidding students from bringing "weapons" to school. A 5-year-old was transferred to another school after bringing a disposable razor blade he found at a bus stop. a 12-year-old was expelled for possessing folding fingernail clippers.
In a new book called 250 Ways to Make America Better, a collection of suggestions made by a wide range of prominent Americans and compiled by the editors of George magazine, Abu-Jamal is identified simply as "author/journalist." Larry Flynt is likewise credited as a "magazine publisher."
Dear Ms. Owens,During the previous Anne Arundel County Administration, the Invincible Empire Knights of the Ku Klux Klan applied to participate in the county's Adopt-A-Road Program. I understand that in response, the county suspended processing new applications to the program.
I have been informed by the Invincible Empire that, in order to avoid further controversy, it is willing to agree to a sign that does not include the words "Ku Klux Klan." Instead, the sign could read, "The Invincible Empire Realm of Maryland." I have also been informed that the organization does not plan for its members to wear robes while engaging in trash collection.
Would you please let me know whether the Invincible Empire will be allowed to participate?
Dwight H. Sullivan

Though the proposal failed in Maine along with one in Arizona, a similar one in Minnesota passed in 1998, making it illegal to discriminate against someone "because of the individual's mode of transportation or the fact that the person has the name of an organization or association on the person's clothing."
Finally, charity cloaks corporate greed. A corporation that dispatches teams of lobbyists to drive down the tax rate still expects to be applauded for the money it spends, say, planting trees (or perhaps cutting them down—it's so hard to keep these ideologies straight). When a thief, having stolen your wallet, hands you back carfare, it's tough to mutter much of a thank-you. Similarly, nice as it is that Bill Gates gives money to libraries, a decent country would tax Microsoft at a rate that lets cities buy their own books.
[Ed.: Mr. Cohen has also told readers that supporting charities wasn't worthwhile, because it made the state more likely to abandon public projects, and that it is unethical to fire or report a temp worker whose shoddy performance makes everyone else look bad.]
I couldn't believe my eyes. I stood there shocked, reading the full Starr report printed in our local paper. The president of the United States, bulwark of the Western world, exposed in full—engaging in tantric sex practices with a young woman! Not once, but three times the report states he withheld orgasm voluntarily, despite being stimulated by an eager and willing partner. And the media pundits rage about how the president cannot control himself. What males among them have such control? Perhaps that is why the tantric aspects of this affair have not yet made the news. He may have been betrayed by the naiveté of his young lover and the treachery of her "friend," but the president has gone on record to the nation showing that male sex drive is merely a thought pattern that is under control of the mind. Hopefully, the men of the United States and around the world will listen and become better partners in the ecstatic union of sex.
The debate over standards-based assessment of students and public accountability for schools has recently focused on the use of the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System as a measure of student achievement.Since its inception, Boston's City on a Hill charter high school has demonstrated that there are other ways to ensure public accountability and maintain high standards for student performance.
I recently had the pleasure of participating as a community juror in the annual performance-based assessment at City on a Hill. In addition to passing their coursework, each student at the school must demonstrate that he or she is competent in several areas in order to graduate. The competency that my panel (which included a teacher, a student, and three community members) was assessing was 11th grade reading.
Students were given a newspaper editorial to prepare one-half hour in advance of coming before the jury. After introducing themselves to the panel, the students were asked to read aloud the editorial. As we listened, we considered how students were performing against the specific criteria of which both students and jurors were aware: speaking audibly, pausing appropriately after punctuation, enunciating clearly, and looking up occasionally.
City on a Hill teaches us all a lesson about the importance of opening public schools up to public scrutiny. It takes courage to open the schoolhouse doors in that way, but the benefits to students and to the integrity of public education are worth the effort.
—Abigail Smith
Tahcawin had packed the parfleche cases with clothing and food and strapped them to a travois made of two trailing poles with a skin net stretched between them. Another travois lay on the ground ready for the new tipi.Chano was very happy when Tasinagi suggested the three of them ride up to their favorite hills for the last time.
As the three of them rode along, Tasinagi called Chano's attention to the two large birds circling overhead. They were Wangbli, the eagle. Chano knew they were sacred to his people and that they must never be killed.
He looked at the eagle feather in his father's hair, a sign of bravery, and wondered why it was that the Lakotas as well as many other Indians held Wangbli, the eagle, in such great respect. Someday he would ask his father about this.
[Ed.: The 'ng' in 'Wangbli' is actually a single character, resembling an 'n' with a cedilla-like descender, whose entity cannot be reproduced on standard Web browsers.]
From Have a Happy. . . by Mildred Pitts Walter, in the 1993 Houghton Mifflin grade 4 reader:
In the wee hours of the morning, the family made a circle around Grandma Ida, Beth, and Chris. Grandma Ida gave the tamshi la tutaonana: "In this new year let us continue to practice umoja, kujichagulia, umija, ujamaa, nia, kuumba, and imani. Let us strive to do something that will last as long as the earth turns and water flows."From "Yagua Days" by Cruz Martel, 1995 Scott Foresman grade 4 reader:"Now," Uncle Ronald said, "let's leave this house with the word harambee. In Swahili that means pulling together."
"Harambee!" they all shouted. They repeated it seven times, with Chris's voice the loudest of them all.
The whole family sat under wide trees and ate arroz con gandules, pernil, viandas and tostones, ensaladas de chayotes y tomates, and pasteles.In her survey of basal readers, Losing Our Language, Harvard educator Sandra Stotsky notes that an edited version of the original text, above, appeared in an earlier 1979 Harcourt Brace Jovanovich grade 4 reader:
Adan talked and sang until his voice turned to a squeak. He ate until his stomach almost popped a pants button.
Afterwards he fell asleep under a big mosquito net before the sun had even gone down behind the mountains.
In the morning Uncle Ulise called out, "Adan, everyone ate all the food in the house. Let's get more."
"From a bodega?"
"No, mi amor. From my finca on the mountain."
The whole family sat under wide trees and ate. Adan talked and sang until his voice turned to a squeak. He ate until his stomach almost popped a pants button.Stotsky contrasts the overall quality of these contemporary selections with that of Black Beauty by Anna Sewell, a book widely taught to third- and fourth-graders at the end of the 19th century:Afterwards he fell asleep under a big mosquito net before the sun had even gone down behind the mountains.
In the morning Uncle Ulise called out, "Adan, everyone ate all the food in the house. Let's get more."
"From a store?"
"No. From my plantation on the mountain."
Captain had been broken in and trained for an army horse; his first owner was an officer of cavalry going out to the Crimean War. He said he quite enjoyed the training with all the other horses, trotting together, turning together to the right hand or the left, halting at the word of command, or dashing forward at full speed at the sound of the trumpet or signal of the officer.He was, when young, a dark, dappled, iron gray, and considered very handsome. His master, a young, high-spirited gentleman, was very fond of him, and treated him from the first with the greatest care and kindness.
He told me he thought the life of an army horse was very pleasant; but when it came to being sent abroad over the sea in a great ship he almost changed his mind.
"That part of it," said he, "was dreadful! Of course we could not walk off the land into the ship' so they were obliged to put strong straps under our bodies, and then we were lifted off our legs, in spite of our struggles, and were swung through the air over the water to the deck of the great vessel.